Maggie Houston Williams to McArdle, April 27, 1901
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Handbook of Texas article on Erastus "Deaf" Smith
Handbook of Texas article on Juan Seguín
1208 Calhoun Ave.
April. 27th 1901.
Mr. H. A. McArdle
Dear Sir:
Yours of the 4th inst
was received a few days ago or
you would have received an earl-
ier reply.
In answer to your inquiries—
I do not remember hearing of
the Seguin portrait until now.
Perhaps it was painted at the
same time as the "Deaf Smith"
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Maggie Houston Williams to McArdle, April 27, 1901, The Battle of San Jacinto Notebook, The McArdle Notebooks, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.