Electronic Records Resources for Bulletin 1

Here is a list of supplemental resources to assist state agencies in fulfilling the minimum requirements of Bulletin 1: Electronic Records Standards and Procedures. Includes general e-records guidance and sample policies from other states as well as Texas. Some specific topics include destruction, long-term digital preservation, social media and text messaging.

Updated April 2021 - if you find any broken links or have suggestions for resources we should add, email slrminfo@tsl.texas.gov


General  |  PoliciesSecuritySystems and Migration  | Email  |  Social Media  |  Text Messaging  | Destruction  |  Permanent and Vital | Data



Sample policies and blog articles published by TSLAC:

More policy resources from other states :

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Systems, and Migration

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Social Media

Text Messaging

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Permanent and Vital


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Can't find what you're looking for? Email slrminfo@tsl.texas.gov or call 512-463-7610.

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Page last modified: May 15, 2024