Mission and Strategic Direction
TexShare is a statewide resource sharing program designed to improve library service to Texans. Originally a program for academic institutions, today the TexShare Consortium includes public, academic, and libraries of clinical medicine. TexShare is administered by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC).
TexShare Purpose and Methods
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission is charged to operate TexShare, a statewide consortium of libraries at institutions of higher education, accredited public libraries, nonprofit libraries of clinical medicine, and other types of libraries. In authorizing the TexShare program, the Texas Legislature found it necessary to assist libraries across the state to promote the public good by achieving the following public purposes through the following methods:
- to promote the future well-being of the citizenry, enhance quality teaching and research excellence at institutions of higher education through the efficient exchange of information and the sharing of library resources, improve educational resources in all communities, and expand the availability of information about clinical medical research and the history of medicine;
- to maximize the effectiveness of library expenditures by enabling libraries to share staff expertise and to share library resources in print and in an electronic form, including books, journals, technical reports, and databases;
- to increase the intellectual productivity of students and faculty at the participating institutions of higher education by emphasizing access to information rather than ownership of documents and other information sources;
- to facilitate joint purchasing agreements for purchasing information services and encourage cooperative research and development of information technologies; and
- to enhance the ability of public schools to further student achievement and lifelong learning.
Texas Government Code, Title 4, subtitle D, chapter 441, subchapter M, section 441.
TexShare Vision Statement
The TexShare Consortium will empower all Texans to access and use information confidently and effectively. TexShare will:
- Offer a continuum of library and information services to Texans regardless of geographic location, age, education, or financial status.
- Realize the benefits of cost management and efficiency, even as services are expanded.
- Provide seamless access to state, national, and worldwide resources.
- Enable Texans to realize their economic, educational, and personal goals.
TexShare Mission Statement
TexShare, a statewide consortium of academic libraries, public libraries, nonprofit libraries of clinical medicine, and other types of libraries, administered by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, employs traditional and innovative strategies to improve resource sharing among Texas libraries. TexShare is founded on the belief of Texas state officials and librarians that citizen health and well being is furthered by efficient information exchange in all communities and institutions where quality teaching, research excellence, and lifelong learning are valued. TexShare maximizes the effectiveness of library expenditures by enabling libraries to:
- Share staff expertise
- Share library resources in print and electronic formats, including books, journals, technical reports, and databases
- Pursue joint purchasing agreements for information services
- Encourage cooperative development and deployment of information resources and technologies
TexShare programs contribute to the intellectual productivity of Texans at the participating institutions by emphasizing access to rather than ownership of documents and other information sources.
TexShare Strategic Direction
Texas State Library and Archives Commission Strategic Plans
- Agency Strategic Plan - Fiscal Years 2017 to 2021
- Library Systems and Technology Act (LSTA) Five-Year Plan
TSLAC Statewide Resource Sharing Strategic Planning
- 2016 Texas e-Resources Strategic Planning Discussion - Report
- 2015 Texas Statewide Resource Sharing Summit - Rose Hayden and Ara Merjanian, RAH Consulting, Inc., facilitator - Report
- 2012 Texas Statewide Resource Sharing Summit - Joseph Matthews, JRM Consulting, Inc., facilitator - Report (DOC)
- 2008 TexShare Statewide Resource Sharing Summit - Maureen Sullivan, facilitator - Report
- 2004 Texas Statewide Resource Sharing Strategic Planning Session - Ann Joslin, facilitator - Report
- 2000 Strategic Planning for Resource Sharing in Texas - Nancy M. Bolt, facilitator - Report
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Contact TexShare
TexShare Coordinator
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
PO Box 12927
Austin, TX 78711-2927
512-463-5465 or 800-252-9386 (Toll-free in Texas)
Email: TexShare@tsl.texas.gov