Daniel Webster to Governor of Texas Transmitting Copy of 1850 Boundary Act

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Boundary Act - Page 4

An Act
to the State of Texas the establish=
ment of her Northern and Western
boundaries, the relinquishment by
the said State of all territory claimed
by her exterior to said boundaries,
and of all her claims upon the
United States, and to establish a
territorial government for New Mex=


Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the
United States of American in congress

assembled, That the following propo=
sitions shall be, and the same hereby
are, offered to the State of Texas, which,
when agreed to by the said State, in
an act passed by the General Assembly,

shall be binding and obligatory upon
the United States, and upon the said
State of Texas: Provided, The said
agreement by the said General Assem=
bly shall be given on or before the first
day of December, eighteen hundred
and fifty:




Page last modified: March 29, 2016