Daniel Webster to Governor of Texas Transmitting Copy of 1850 Boundary Act

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Boundary Act - Page 6

and for compensation or indemnity
for the surrender to the united States
of her ships, forts, arsenals, custom hou=
ses, custom house revenue, arms and
munitions of war, and public buildings
with their sites, which became the prop=
erty of the United States at the time of
the annexation.

Fourth. The United States,
in consideration of said establishment
of boundaries, cession of claim to territo=
ry, and relinquishment of claims,
will pay to the State of Texas the sum
of ten millions of dollars in a stock

bearing five per cent. interest, and re=
deemable at the end of fourteen years,
the interest payable half=yearly at the
Treasury of the United States.

Fifth, Immediately after the
President of the United States shall

have been furnished with an authentic
copy of the act of the General Assem=
bly of Texas accepting these proposi=
tions, he shall cause the stock to be


Page last modified: March 29, 2016