Anson Jones to Washington Daniel Miller, May 3, 1844
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distinct nation in all future time, for
a guarantee to us by England & France from
molestation by Mexico for the same period.
Annexation therefore must necessarily
be either now or never. It must be
accomplished before the present Congress
of the U.S. rises or it will never
be done. There would soon be a triple bargain
between us, Mexico & these two European
powers, each would be bound by pledges
which it would be inconvenient
for Texas or Mexico to
violate[.] Any attempt
to violate them would
give England & France a
just cause to interfere & by
force prevent the violation.
All eyes are now trained towards
the U.S. to see what the Senate will do, or
the Congress. In a few weeks they may
all be turned to England & France. I am satisfied
we will do very well in either event which
may happen, and therefore keep "cool as a cucum-
ber" & "calm as a May morning." Remember
me most kindly to all the Legation, & please
present my respects to Mr. Calhoun & to Mr.
I remain your sincere friend
Anson Jones
To W. D. Miller, Esq.
Anson Jones to Washington Daniel Miller, May 3, 1844. Washington Daniel Miller Papers, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.