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Selected Correspondence between Gov. James Stephen Hogg and U.S. Senator John H. Reagan, 1891

In April 1891, Gov. James Stephen Hogg sent a letter to U.S. Senator John H. Reagan offering him a position on the newly-created Railroad Commission. Soon after, Sen. Reagan replied, accepting the position and indicating that we would resign his Senate seat to take the job.

Gov. Hogg's Letter
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Senator Reagan's Letter
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Reagan Letter, Page 8

capaciy [capacity] it may be thought
can do most for them
in return.

            My acceptance makes it
necessary for me to visit
Washington City and close
up some business there,
and there are some
matters I am obliged
to attend to at my house.
These things will prevent
my entering on the duties
of the commission earlyer [sic]
than the 10th of June, and
I desire my acceptance
to take effect from that date.

Very respectfully
John H. Reagan


Page last modified: April 19, 2016