Selected Correspondence between Gov. James Stephen Hogg and U.S. Senator John H. Reagan, 1891
In April 1891, Gov. James Stephen Hogg sent a letter to U.S. Senator John H. Reagan offering him a position on the newly-created Railroad Commission. Soon after, Sen. Reagan replied, accepting the position and indicating that we would resign his Senate seat to take the job.
Gov. Hogg's Letter
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Senator Reagan's Letter
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the first importance to our
state and people, and
should command the
consideration and services
of her best and ablest
To accept the appointment
you offer me will render
it necessary for me to
resign the most important
and most dignified posi-
tion I can ever expect to
hold, with a salary much
larger that [than] that provided
for our railrod [sic] commission.
The duties of this commission
will be difficult and delicate,
and will require great lobar [labor?].
While guarding and protcting [sic]