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Selected Correspondence between Gov. James Stephen Hogg and U.S. Senator John H. Reagan, 1891

In April 1891, Gov. James Stephen Hogg sent a letter to U.S. Senator John H. Reagan offering him a position on the newly-created Railroad Commission. Soon after, Sen. Reagan replied, accepting the position and indicating that we would resign his Senate seat to take the job.

Gov. Hogg's Letter
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Senator Reagan's Letter
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Reagan Letter, Page 2

and with political questions of
a national character.

            I have laboured very earnestly
in Congress
for the last sixteen years
to secure needed political
reforms; such as the proper
regulation of railroad
corporations engaged in
commerce between the
states and with foreign
nations; a revision of
the tariff and reduction
of the burdens of taxation;
the free and unlimited coin-
age of silver and an increse [sic]
in the volume of the currency;
the repeal of laws creating
civil lists if [of] retired officers,
and thereby creating priv-
iliged classes, an American


Page last modified: April 19, 2016