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Surrender terms signed by General Cos and General Burleson at San Antonio, December 11, 1835

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Cos surrender - Page 1


Capitulacion celebrada entre los Generales Don
Martin Perfto de Cos de la tropa permanente, y
Don Edwardo Burlison de las Tropas Colonales de

Estando deseoro de evitar Mas efusiones de Sangre
y las desastres de la guerra Civil han convenido en
las seguientes estipulaciones--

1o Que el Gral Cos, gefes y oficiales se retiraran con
el exercito y propiedades particulares al interior de la
Republica, baxo su palabra de honor de no oponerse
de ninguna manera al restablecimiento de la Consti=
tucion federal de 1824--

2o Que los cien infantes que acaban de llegar con la
cuerda, el resto del Batallon Morelos, y la Caballeria
se retiraran con el Gral llevando su armas cada uno
y diez Cartuches de fusil con bala --

3o Que el Gral ordene y vea que la Cuerda que trajo
el Coronel Ugartechea sea conducida al otro lado del
Rio Grande--

4o Que quede a la voluntad de la tropa el seguir<
al Gral Cos quedarese aqui, o irse al punto donde le con=
vengas mas en el Caso que toda o parte de ella se sepa=
rare llevaran sus armas y todo lo demas de su propie=

5o Que todo lo perteneciente a la Hacienda publica, de=
nero, Armas, Municiones, y demas peltrechas de guerra-
sean inventiriadas y entregado todo a los Comisionados del
Gral Burlison--

6o Que todas las propiedades de particulares ocupadas por el
exercito Sitiado sean entregadas a sus verdadaros duenos--

7o Que sean nombradas de Cada exercito tres Comision=
ados para hacer el inventario, y ver que sea llevada


Capitulation entered into by general Martin Perfecto de Cos, of the Permanent troops, and general Edward Burleson, of the Colonial troops of Texas.

Being desirous of preventing the further effusion of blood, and the ravages of civil war, have agreed on the following stipulations:

1st. That general Cos and his officers retire into the interior of the republic, under parole of honor; that they will not in any way oppose the re-establishment of the federal Constitution of 1824.

2d. That the one hundred infantry lately arrived with the convicts, the remnant of the battalion of Morelos, and the cavalry, retire with the general; taking their arms and ten rounds of cartridges for their muskets.

3d. That the general take the convicts brought in by colonel Ugartechea, beyond the Rio Grande.

4th. That it is discretionary with the troops to follow their general, remain, or go to such point as they may deem proper: but in case they should all or any of them separate, they are to have their arms, &c.

5th. That all the public property, money, arms and munitions of war, be inventoried and delivered to general Burleson.

6th. That all private property be restored to its proper owners.

7th. That three officers of each army be appointed to make out the inventory,

Page last modified: March 9, 2016