Advisory Boards
See our Calendar of Events for upcoming meeting dates.
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission works with several advisory boards and committees to help meet its mission.
Texas Historical Records Advisory Board (THRAB)
The mission of the Texas Historical Records Advisory Board is to promote awareness of historically valuable records through education and training; to foster and support the identification, preservation and effective public access to these records; and to advocate and encourage collaborative funding and resource sharing. THRAB works with our Archives and Information Services division.
Records Management Interagency Coordinating Council (RMICC)
RMICC works with our State and Local Records Management division. The council reviews the activities of member agencies, studies other records management issues and makes biennial reports to the Governor and Legislature. RMICC also adopts policies that coordinate the members' records management activities and makes other improvements to the Texas records management program.
Library Systems Act Advisory Board
The Library Systems Act Advisory Board advises the Commission on any matter related to the Texas Library Systems Act, including recommending changes in the "Rules for Administering the Library Systems Act," and recommendations regarding public libraries that appeal the loss of accreditation. Five members serve for a maximum of two consecutive three year terms.
TexShare Advisory Board
The TexShare Advisory Board advises the Commission on matters relating to the TexShare program. It is an eleven member board, with two members representing the general public, two members affiliated with four-year public universities, two members affiliated with public community colleges, two members affiliated with private academic institutions, and two members affiliated with public libraries. One member is at large without a specified affiliation.