William S. Murphy to Anson Jones, February 14, 1844

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William S. Murphy to Anson Jones, February 14, 1844

go, I will take care that my government is speedily ap-

rised of your views and wishes, and that a sufficient naval

force shall be placed in the Gulf of Mexico, convenient for

the defence of Texas, in case of any invasion which may

threaten her sea-board [sic], pending such negotiation[.] Also,

that measures shall be taken, as requested by you to re-

pel any invasion by land, of a like character.

The undersigned is aware that in the event of a

failure of the present proposed negotiation, and for some time

thereafter, it would be reasonable to expect that Texas

should have an opportunity to place herself in an atti-

tude of defence, in case her negotiation with the United

States upon the subject of annexation, should provoke an

attack from Mexico. He therefore feels no reluctance in

assuring Mr Jones, that the United States would not

hastily withdraw her protection, even if the negotiation

should fail of its object[.] And he conceives that the high

honor of his country may well be relied on for such pro-

tection, to an extent that shall leave no just cause of


The undersigned would also inform Mr Jones,

that the United States have now a naval force in the gulf

which the undersigned believe to be vastly an over match

for any naval force which Mexico can command at

sea. But he is not so fully advised of the amount of land

forces on or near the South and South Western border of

the United States. He will assure Mr Jones, however, that

no time will be lost in giving to Texas ample assurance

of her safety, whilst acting upon this subject at the in-

stance of the Government of the United States. And the

undersigned will fully advise his government of all

the circumstances of the case without delay, and press

upon them the consideration of its importance.

And with regard to the assurance or guar-

anty, of the independence of Texas, by the United

States, in the event of the failure of the proposed ne-

gotiation for annexation of Texas to the United

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William S. Murphy to Anson Jones, February 14, 1844. United States Diplomatic Correspondence, Texas Secretary of State records, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: April 5, 2011