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The Civil War in Texas: An Exhibit from the Texas State Library and Archives

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Erastus Reed to Governor Francis R. Lubbock, July 12, 1863

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Erastus Reed to Governor Lubbock, July 1863

in squads for the purpose. I do not wish to be considered
presumptuous in writing your excellency on this subject
but mearly [sic] wish to let you know the situation of our
people, and ask as much leniency as you can grant
them as it would be ruin to many to be taken from
their homes even into camps of instructions which would
necessarily be a long way from their homes in this district.
[H]ad we negros [sic] in this district as in others to geather [sic]
the crops our case would be different, but with our
exposure to indians [sic] and not more men left than
enough to protect the women & children in case of
attack from them it is a hard case to take them
away. It will be also impossible to geather [sic] the tithe
that will soon be called for by the confederate Govern-
ment as women cannot geather [sic] oxen and drive
them to the depots[.] [T]herefore much loss will be sustained
by the C.S. [Confederate States] in the loss of the tithe, greater I think than
the good the few men could be that are now left
if allowed to stay at home and geather [sic] their crops.
Our frontier regiment does excellent service and is
a great protection to us but it is impossible for our
regiment to protect a frontier of several hundred
miles if we are left without a few men at home.
[T]o those who live in the interior our dangers may
appear imaginary, but to those who have felt and

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Erastus Reed to Governor Francis R. Lubbock, July 12, 1863. Records of Governor Francis R. Lubbock.

Page last modified: February 18, 2016