Texas Workforce Development Resources
For Businesses | For Job Seekers
For Re-Entry Services
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What Resources are you Looking for Today?
For Businesses:
Includes resources for entrepreneurs, those looking to start a new business, existing businesses looking to grow, freelancers, and consultants.
For Job Seekers:
Includes resources for job seekers including first-time applicants and career changers.
For Re-Entry Services:
This can include caregivers, retirees, and people who left the workforce to have children. There are also libraries whose career services programs are geared to individuals who have recently been released from prison as they can face unique challenges in re-entering the workforce.
News and Events
- NOV 18: 25th Annual NAWDP Youth Symposium in Phoenix
- Governor's Small Business Summit
- &Pitch Perfect: Workshop for Libraries
- 🎥 Make Your Life Easier with AI: How AI Revolutionizes Library Services and Operations
- 🎥Free live SCORE webinars on ways businesses can leverage AI and ChatGPT!
- 🎥"Inspiring Meaningful Work: Public Libraries and Workforce Development"
- 👁Library Workforce Development YouTube playlist.