The Battle of San Jacinto

E. Crew to McArdle, Account of James McGahey, September 18, 1885

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Crew to McArdle, September 1885

and invites you or any one interested

in getting up the painting to visit him

as he expressed it ["] he will try to give you

something to eat ["] but the greatest feast

would be to listen to the old man

fight his Battle over again.

Mr. McGahey was valuable to

Houston's army as a guide[,] being

familiar with the surroundings of

the Battle ground &  country[,] having

lived there previous to the battle

& [having] resided near there for 10 years

afterwards. I think with what he

knows on the subject that an early

visit to the old gentleman would be

of valuable service to the Painter on

this subject. The old gentlemen

has been quite poorly for some time past

but is now better but he cannot

be with us very much longer.

I am Yours Truly

E. Crew



P.S. There is one Mexican Pistol in this place

& one Sword used on American side in

that engagement. I can get the old gentlemans

Photo & send you with any other points

that you desire.

E. C.

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E. Crew to McArdle, September 18, 1885, The Battle of San Jacinto Notebook, The McArdle Notebooks, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: June 27, 2016