General P.G.T. Beauregard to McArdle, May 17, 1892
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Beauregard Library article on General Beauregard
Success [noted by McArdle]
New Orleans May 17/97
Mr. H. A. McArdle
Independence Texas
Dear Sir.
I regret that I don't
remember enough of the Mexi-
can Uniforms in 1846-8 to give
you a description of them. I
remember, however, that they
looked remarkably well on the
field of Battle, especially of the
Lancers, with their gay little
colors. It appears to me
that Capt. Potter's description
is quite correct. Supposing
that you might wish your letter
to me, I enclose it back to you.
I am,
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General P.G.T. Beauregard to McArdle, May 17, 1892, The Battle of San Jacinto Notebook, The McArdle Notebooks, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.