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Texas Poets Laureate

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Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 82, 43rd Legislature, Regular Session (1933) authorized appointment of a committee by the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House to designate an outstanding and recognized poet, who is also a citizen of the state of Texas, as poet laureate. Currently, the state Poet Laureate is selected for a one-year appointment by the Texas Poet Laureate, State Musician and State Artist Committee.

According to The Handbook of Texas Online, the honorary appointment carries with it no obligations or requirements.

1932-1934 - Judd Mortimer Lewis, Houston

1934-1936 - Aline T. Michaelis, Austin

1936-1939 - Grace Noll Crowell, Dallas

1939-1941 - Lexie Dean Robertson, Rising Star

1941-1943 - Nancy Richey Ranson, Dallas

1943-1945 - Dollilee Davis Smith, Cleburne

1945-1947 - David Riley Russell, Dallas

1947-1949 - Aline B. Carter, San Antonio

1949-1951 - Carlos Ashley, Llano

1951-1953 - Arthur M. Sampley, Denton

1953-1955 - Mildred Lindsey Raiborn, San Angelo - Dee Walker, Texas City, alternate

1955-1957 - Pierre Bernard Hill, Hunt

1957-1959 - Margaret Royalty Edwards, Waco

1959-1961 - J. V. Chandler, Kingsville - Edna Coe Majors, Colorado City, alternate

1961 - Lorena Simon, Port Arthur

1962 - Marvin Davis Winsett, Dallas

1963 - Gwendolyn Bennett Pappas, Houston - Vassar Miller, Houston, alternate

1964-1965 - Jenny Lind Porter, Austin - Edith Rayzor Canant, Texas City, alternate

1966 - Bessie Maas Rowe, Port Arthur - Grace Marie Scott, Abilene, alternate

1967 - William. E. Bard, Dallas - Bessie Maas Rowe, Port Arthur, alternate

1968 - Kathryn Henry Harris, Waco - Sybil Leonard Armes, El Paso, alternate

1969-1970 - Anne B. Marely, Austin - Rose Davidson Speer, Brady, alternate

1970-1971 - Robby K. Mitchell, McKinney - Faye Carr Adams, Dallas, alternate

1971-1972 - Terry Fontenot, Port Arthur - Faye Carr Adams, Dallas, alternate

1972-1973 - Mrs. Clark Gresham, Burkburnett - Marion McDaniel, Sidney, alternate

1973-1974 - Violette Newton, Beaumont - Stella Woodall, San Antonio, alternate

1974-1975 - Lila Todd O'Neil, Port Arthur - C. W. Miller, San Antonio, alternate

1975-1976 - Ethel Osborn Hill, Port Arthur - Gene Shuford, Denton, alternate

1976-1977 - Florice Stripling Jeffers, Burkburnett - Vera L. Eckert, San Angelo, alternate

1977-1978 - Ruth Carruth, Vernon - Joy Gresham Hagstrom, Burkburnett, alternate

1978-1979 - Patsy Stodghill, Dallas - Dorothy B. Elfstroman, Galveston, alternate

1979-1980 - Dorothy B. Elfstroman, Galveston - Ruth Carruth, Vernon, alternate

1980-1981 - Weems S. Dykes, McCamey - Mildred Crabtree Speer, Amarillo, alternate

1981-1982 - none designated

1982-1983 - William D. Barney, Fort Worth - Vassar Miller, Houston, alternate

1983-1984 - none designated

1984-1985 - none designated

1985-1986 - none designated

1986-1987 - none designated

1987-1988 - Ruth E. Reuther, Wichita Falls

1988-1989 - Vassar Miller, Houston

1989-1990 - none designated

1990-1991 - none designated

1991-1992 - none designated

1992-1993 - none designated

1993-1995 - Mildred Baass, Victoria

1995-1996 - none designated

1996-1997 - none designated

1997-1998 - none designated

1998-1999 - none designated

2000 - James Hoggard, Wichita Falls

2001 - Walter McDonald, Lubbock

2003 - Jack Myers, Mesquite

2004 - Cleatus Rattan, Cisco

2005 - Alan Birkelbach

2006 - Red Steagall

2007 - Steven Fromholz, Kopperl

2008 - Larry D. Thomas, Houston

2009 - Paul Ruffin, Huntsville

2010 - Karla K. Morton, Denton

2011 - David M. Parsons, Conroe

2012 - Jan Seale, McAllen

2013 - Rosemary Catacalos, San Antonio

2014 - Dean Young, Austin

2015 - Carmen Tafolla, San Antonio

2016 - Laurie Ann Guerrero, San Antonio

2017 - Jenny Browne, San Antonio

2018 - Carol Coffee Reposa, San Antonio

2019 - Carrie Fountain, Austin

2020 - Emmy Pérez, McAllen

2021 - Cyrus Cassells, San Marcos

2022 - Lupe Mendez, Houston

2023 - ire’ne lara silva, Austin

2024 - Amanda Johnston, Round Rock

SOURCES: Office of the Secretary of the Senate; The New Handbook of TexasTexas Almanac; Poets Laureate of Texas by Margaret Royalty Edwards; Texas Commission on the Arts

Page last modified: July 7, 2023