About Texas
Texas Business and Company Research
Information about business history research using resources available at TSLAC and through federal, state, and local agencies.
Texas Economic Development
Business information from the Office of the Texas Governor, Economic Development.
Forms for businesses and nonprofit organizations
Filing information for corporations and nonprofit associations.
Texas Labor Market Information
Unemployment statistics, wage information, and workforce demographics from the Texas Workforce Commission.
Starting a business
Resources from the Texas Workforce Commission.
Texas taxes
The Comptroller of Public Accounts provides information on taxes. Questions about Texas taxes can be submitted to the Comptroller's office using their Texas Taxes Help webform .
City Charter Research
Information about locating city charters, amendments to charters, and articles of incorporation in state and local records.
City websites and contacts
Search for city websites, contact information, and government officials.
Counties and county seats
Listing of the 254 counties and their county seats.
County websites
County websites from the Texas Association of Counties.
County and district clerk addresses
Contact information for each of the county and district clerks.
County tax appraisal district addresses
Postal addresses and some Web links for tax appraisal offices
Texas Counties named for individuals with disabilities
Population, cities, 1990-2017
City population figures, arranged by size and by name. No longer updated. For more population figures, please see other resources on this page.
Population, counties, 1990-2017
County population estimates, by size and by name. No longer updated. For more population figures, please see other resources on this page.
Handbook of Texas Online
Encyclopedia of Texas information! Articles on people, places, events, and trends in Texas history.
Let's Texas
Travel information and the Texas State Travel Guide.
Texas economy
Information from the Office of the Texas Governor, Economic Development.
Texas Legislature Online
Learn how Texas Government works! Look here for information on laws, the Constitution, and members of the Legislature.
Texas Parks and Wildlife
Information about animals, plants, fishing, hunting, boating, and state parks.
Office of the Governor
Learn about the Governor's duties and activities by visiting the Governor's website. Request a "Texas Packet" for students and teachers using the Governor's e-mail contact form.
Texas Almanac
Includes demographic, astronomical, weather, and government data. Almost everything you need for a Texas report.
Texas Beyond History
Showcases information and images about the cultural heritage of Texas.
Texas Independence
Become immersed in the story of Texas Independence at this interactive site.
Texas State Archives Citation Form
How to cite materials from the Texas State Library and Archives.
Vertical File Index
List of clipping files available at the State Library.
Ask a reference question
If you have questions after visiting these sites, please contact the reference desk of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
Texas Education Records and Research Resources
An overview of government records and publications about public elementary and secondary education in Texas, focusing on TSLAC resources.
Texas Education Agency
Information on schools and programs for K-12 education in Texas.
Texas Education Directory
Contact information and various data for Texas schools.
School Performance Reviews
Performance reviews of Texas schools from the Legislative Budget Board.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Information on higher education institutions and programs in Texas.
College for All Texans
Information on preparing for college, choosing a college, financial assistance, and career planning.
Hazlewood Act
Educational benefits for wartime veterans from Texas.
Colleges and universities
Links to Texas colleges and universities, both public and private.
United States Department of Education
Information from the federal education department on educational programs, grants and contracts, teacher training and resources, higher education, and more.
Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
National information clearinghouse for education-related literature.
Federal Government Information
As a federal depository library, the Texas State Library and Archives Commission receives all documents and publications distributed by the Depository Library Program of the U.S. Government Printing Office. This collection contains more than 1.5 million items.
Capital designations
Places officially designated by the Texas Legislature as symbolic capitals.
Flag code
Laws governing the use of the Texas Flag.
Flag description
Official description of the Texas Flag.
Flag pledge
Words to the Texas Pledge of Allegiance.
Seal Mosaics
Pictures and history of the six seals of Texas.
Six flags
List of the nations which claimed Texas.
State seal
Pictures and a history of the official State Seal.
State song
Words to Texas, Our Texas.
State symbols
List of official state symbols.
Historic Texas maps at the State Archives
Maps in the Archives collection.
Land and Property History Research
Information about researching the history of a property or structure using resources available at TSLAC and through federal, state, and local agencies.
Maps at the University of Texas
Online maps.
Portal to Texas History
Hosted by the University of North Texas Libraries, the project offers digital maps from collections held in Texas libraries, museums, archives, historical societies, and private collections.
Natural regions of Texas
Article about the natural regions of Texas.
Texas natural environment
Facts about Texas Geography from the Texas Almanac.
Mountains of Texas
List of Texas peaks over a mile high.
Election information
Information on past and upcoming elections, voter registration, and election laws.
Historical Elections Research
Guide to researching election returns and information about elected officials from federal, state, and local contests.
Office of the Governor
The Governor's website.
Supreme Court of Texas
Composed of the Chief Justice and eight Justices, the Supreme Court of Texas is the court of last resort for civil matters in the State of Texas. The Texas Supreme Court Historical Society is dedicated to the collection and preservation of information, papers, photographs, and significant artifacts relating to the Supreme Court and the appellate courts of Texas.
Texas Courts Online
Access an overview of the court system, the Texas Judicial Directory, and court links.
Texas Legislature Online
All about the Texas Legislature, including links to information on members, recent legislation, and how a bill becomes a law.
Texas state agency links
Links to state agency websites.
African American Texas History (PDF)
List of library resources on African American experiences in Texas and history in Texas.
African American Genealogy Resources at the Texas State Library and Archives
This guide highlights resources for African American genealogy research at TSLAC.
Archives and manuscript collections at the State Library and Archives
Read about resources available at the State Archives.
Genealogy resources
Overview of what's available at the State Library and links to get you started on family history research.
Handbook of Texas Online
Encyclopedia of Texas information! Articles on people, places, events and trends in Texas history.
Historic Texas maps at the State Archives
Maps in the Archives collection.
Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center
Information on resources at the Sam Houston Center in Liberty, Texas.
Resources of the Republic of Texas and Pre-Republic Era (1820-1845) at TSLAC
This guide offers resources from the Republic era that should be helpful to genealogists and others interested in Texas during that time period.
Texas annexation
Read all about the annexation of Texas, including the text of the most important documents.
Secession and readmission
Learn how Texas joined the Confederacy and rejoined the United States.
Texas Treasures and other online exhibits
Complete list of online exhibits from the Texas State Archives.
Texas Beyond History
Showcases information and images about the cultural heritage of Texas.
Texas Historic Sites Atlas
Features historic site records including Official Texas Historical Markers and National Register of Historic Places properties.
Portal to Texas History
Hosted by the University of North Texas Libraries, the project offers a digital gateway to collections held in Texas libraries, museums, archives, historical societies, and private collections.
Texas Independence
Become immersed in the story of Texas Independence at this interactive site.
Vertical File Index
List of clipping files available at the State Library.
Official Texas state holidays
List of official state holidays with brief historical information. A complete listing of federal holidays is made available by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
History of Juneteenth.
Texas week
Read the law designating Texas week.
Texas Constitution
Online version of the current Texas Constitution. Versions of the Texas Constitution from 1824-1876 are available from the Texas Legal History Digital Library of the Tarlton Law Library at the University of Texas at Austin.
Texas Statutes
Texas laws, the codes and statutes, online. View current statutes or click Statutes by Date to view a statute as it existed on a particular date from 2004-present.
Historical Texas Statutes
The Texas State Law Library (SLL) has digitized historical Texas statutes from 1879 to 1984 on their website.
Texas Rules of Civil Procedure
Texas Administrative Code
Regulations created by Texas state agencies.
Texas Register
Information on rulemaking by state agencies. Also includes Governor's appointments, Attorney General opinions, and other documents such as requests for proposals.
Attorney General Opinions
Written interpretations of existing laws by the Texas Attorney General.
Texas Legislature Online
All about the Texas Legislature, including links to information on members, recent legislation, and how a bill becomes a law.
Texas Senate Tapes
Unique and invaluable records of Senate hearings and floor debates.
Gammel's The Laws of Texas
Early Texas laws digitized and made available from the University of North Texas Libraries.
Legislative history and intent research
Step-by-step guide to researching the history and intent of Texas legislation.
United States Code
Federal laws.
United States Code of Federal Regulations
Federal rules and regulations.
Texas Official Travel Map
Request a copy of the map, as well as the Official State Travel Guide, from the Let's Texas site.
Historic Texas maps at the State Archives
Index to maps in the Texas State Archives collection.
Fire Insurance Maps
Index to fire insurance maps in the Texas State Archives collection, as well as some images. The maps date from the mid-1920's to the 1970s.
Texas General Land Office Map Collection and Store
Index to maps, online images, and information on obtaining decorative maps.
Maps at the University of Texas
Online maps and links.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for Texas, 1877-1922
Large-scale maps of major cities and towns.
Portal to Texas History
Hosted by the University of North Texas Libraries, the project offers digital maps from collections held in Texas libraries, museums, archives, historical societies, and private collections.
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
Every day-to-day change in the size, shape, location, name, organization, and attachment of each U.S. county and state from the creation of the first county.
Natural regions of Texas
Interactive web maps from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Texas Site Search Mapping Data
Texas maps representing economic and demographic characteristics.
Soil Surveys of Texas, pre-1950
All pre-1950 soil surveys of Texas counties have been digitized by the University of North Texas.
Texas Bird's-Eye Views
Nineteenth- and early twentieth-century "bird's-eye view" maps of 44 different Texas cities.
Texas Legislative Council (TLC)
Current and historical district maps of Texas Senate, Texas House, and Congressional Districts.
Current and proposed legislative districts in Texas.
Click "List of existing full service stations" for all U.S. television stations.
Links to radio station websites.
Newspaper search
Links to Texas newspaper websites from the Texas Press Association.
Newspaper research at the Texas State Library and Archives
Information about newspaper resources available at TSLAC, online newspaper subscriptions, and other newspaper resources.
Pre-Republic Governors, 1691-1836
List of the Spanish and Mexican Governors of Texas.
Presidents and Vice Presidents of Texas, 1836-1846
Biographical information on the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Republic of Texas.
Governors, 1846- present
List of Texas governors, with some biographical information.
Lieutenant Governors of Texas, 1846- present
List with links to biographical information.
Find your elected representatives at the Texas Legislature Online website.
Statewide elected officials
Names and addresses available at the Secretary of State website.
Justices of Texas 1836-1986
Describes the 160 individuals who were members of the Texas Supreme Court and Texas Court of Criminal Appeals from 1836 to 1986.
Poets laureate
List of Texas Poets Laureate.
State artists
List of State Artists.
State librarians
List of Texas State Librarians.
State musicians
List of State Musicians.
Who was known as the...
Some famous Texans.
State parks
Information about Texas state parks.
National parks in Texas
Information on national parks in Texas.
Cities, 1990-2017
City population figures, arranged by size and by name. No longer updated. For more population figures, please see other resources on this page.
Counties, 1990-2017
County population estimates, by size and by name. No longer updated. For more population figures, please see other resources on this page.
State and national, 1990-2017
Population statistics from Texas and the United States, from 1850 to the present. No longer updated. For more population figures, please see other resources on this page.
Texas Almanac Archive
The source for all things Texas since 1857. It serves as a reference book on resources, industries, commerce, history, government, population, and other subjects relating to Texas development.
United States Census Bureau
Find federal census data using American FactFinder (available until Spring 2020) or Explore Census Data
, the Census Bureau's platform to access data and digital content from the U.S. Census Bureau
Texas Demographic Center
The Texas Demographic Center produces and disseminates population estimates and projections for Texas, as well as other demographic information.
National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS)
Census data by state and county for census years 1790 through 1960.
Social Explorer
Data visualization tools and curated data sets from the U. S. Census Bureau and NHGIS. Requires a paid subscription. Check with your library for access.
Online Catalog
Search our online catalog to see if the publication you are seeking is owned by our library and then contact us to determine availability.
Texas State Publications Depository Program
Program collects state agency documents and distributes them to libraries across the state.
Texas Records and Information Locator.