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 e-Records Conference 2024

2024 conference brand is an Image of a sun rising behind a planet in space.

The annual e-Records Conference will be in person this year on Friday, November 22, 2024. The theme is The Next Records Frontier.


This event is organized by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) and co-sponsored by the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) to promote electronic records management in Texas government. The conference gathers records management and information technology staff from the state and local level together to learn from each other by sharing case studies, solutions, best practices, challenges, and lessons learned.

Registration | Program Agenda | Presentations | Venue and Travel Info 

Exhibitor Listing | Exhibitor Registration | Conference Contacts

The Texas State Library and Archives Commission and the Texas Department of Information Resources have co-sponsored this annual event since 2000.


Attendee Registration

Registration is closed.

About e-Records 2024

The Next Records Frontier is the theme of this year’s conference. Texas' population continues to grow and with it comes increased demands for efficient, streamlined, and digital government. Texans expect their government experience to be consistent, regardless of whether the transaction is online, on a mobile device, or in person. To best serve Texans where they are, government needs to emphasize accessibility, transform talent and processes, and leverage data in secure, accountable, transparent, and ethical ways without bias. This conference is your opportunity to learn from your colleagues and other records, data, and information technology professionals forging ahead with controls, guardrails, and frameworks to responsibly manage government information residing in current and frontier technologies.

Download the conference handout.

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Room assignments for concurrent sessions to be determined by attendee preferences submitted during conference registration.
Conference Agenda for November 22, 2024
Session Type Start Time End Time Session Title
Start 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Check-In and Networking
General 8:30 a.m. 8:50 a.m. Welcome
General 8:50 a.m. 9:50 a.m. AI at a Crossroads: Hope for Humanity or Existential Threat?
Break 9:50 a.m. 10:10 a.m. Morning Break
Concurrent 10:10 a.m. 11:00 a.m Cyber Risk is Business Risk - Why Senior Leadership Involvement is Important in the Cyber Conversation
Concurrent 10:10 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Archiving Doesn't Cut It: Future of Records Management
Break 11:00 a.m. 11:10 a.m. Break
Concurrent 11:10 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 3...2...1...Launch an External Research Request Process!
Concurrent 11:10 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Revolutionize Your Data Integrity: Transformative Strategies for State and Local Agencies
Concurrent 11:10 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Gotcha: Social Media Capture and Preservation for Government
Lunch 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Lunch
Concurrent 1:00 p.m. 2:15 p.m. Preserving a Legacy: Digitizing the Mickey Leland Papers and Collection at Texas Southern University
Concurrent 1:00 p.m. 2:15 p.m. Can AI Be Our Friend: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Concurrent 1:00 p.m. 2:15 p.m. People, Process, Technology – TXDOT's Approach for Automating Records Management
Break 2:15 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Afternoon Break
Concurrent 2:30 p.m. 3:15 p.m. Crawl, Walk, Run- The Digital Transformation Experience
Concurrent 2:30 p.m. 3:15 p.m. Future-Proofing Agency Data
Concurrent 2:30 p.m. 3:15 p.m. Digital Archives: A Multi-Sector Dialogue about Accessibility and Preservation
Break 3:15 p.m. 3:25 p.m. Break
General 3:25 p.m. 4:10 p.m. Driving Collaboration: How Data, Records, and Privacy Fuel the Texas DMV
End 4:10 p.m. 4:10 p.m. Conference Ends

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Session Descriptions


Gloria Meraz — Texas State Library and Archives Commission; Amanda Crawford — Texas Department of Information Resources

TSLAC and DIR welcome you and discuss recent and upcoming projects connected to electronic information, data, and accessibility.

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AI at a Crossroads: Hope for Humanity or Existential Threat?

Natalie Smolenski — Hyland


We are living through the exponential acceleration of artificial intelligence technologies. But the breakneck pace of innovation in AI has also led to a social reaction: a new version of the "Techlash" of the 2010s. Some industry and government leaders have argued that AI development must be tightly regulated and controlled. However, a countermovement of increasingly assertive "techno-optimists" has also emerged in response. Sometimes calling themselves "effective accelerationists" (e-acc for short), these technologists argue that there is no stopping technological development, and that only by approaching it with intelligence and the right values can we ensure that it serves humanity. This keynote explores the issues at stake in AI development today: the double-edged sword that is technology, the role of governments in ensuring that technology development serves the people, and the importance of bottom-up innovation that harnesses the creativity and power of peoples around the world.

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Cyber Risk is Business Risk - Why Senior Leadership Involvement is Important in the Cyber Conversation

Tony Sauerhoff — Texas Department of Information Resources


All too often, senior leaders are not involved in the conversation and decisions about cybersecurity risk. There is no such thing as 100% secure. Agency information/records is not all equal. Some is more sensitive than others and should be protected accordingly. Determining the sensitivity of information and prioritizing risk is often left to IT and/or cybersecurity personnel. This session will cover why it is important for senior leadership across the organization to get involved in decisions related to determining the risk appetite of the organization, and recommendations for IT and cyber professionals on how to bring them in.

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Archiving Doesn't Cut It: Future of Records Management

Kaan Volkan — ZL Tech


More data, AI projects, new regulations, cybersecurity breaches, PII leaks, move to the cloud, ROT clean-up.

Records managers are responsible for more and more and archives can’t keep up with it. So, what do we do?

In this presentation, Kaan Volkan will cover where the technology market is going. There will be a heavy focus on the 3 common In-Place Management Architectures and their advantages/disadvantages. The content will be followed by a long Q&A session where Kaan will share his data management insights from top US Banks and Pharmaceuticals.

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3...2...1...Launch an External Research Request Process!

Pamela Baker and Carolina Corpus-Ybarra — Department of Family and Protective Services


Ready to blast off on a journey that is out of this world? Let's take a trip together that moves you out of your comfort zone and brings the planets into alignment…well, brings all the elements together that are needed for an out of this world External Research Request process! We will discuss our home "portal" where it all starts …our platform for receiving research study and data requests where we launch our workflow. We also have some stellar tools that help support the effort, and our crew is ready for the mission! Program, Legal and the Office of Data and Systems Improvement (ODSI) are safeguarding data, collaborating, and supporting efforts of improving practice and processes around child welfare!

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Revolutionize Your Data Integrity: Transformative Strategies for State and Local Agencies

Abigail Kurtzman and Chase Oubre — Tricentis


In today's data-driven landscape, state and local agencies face the critical challenge of maintaining data integrity while consuming vast amounts of information from diverse external sources. Our session will showcase innovative methods for creating and processing data files, validating complex transformations, and using advanced methods to ensure data integrity across systems.

Manual scripting and "stare and compare" techniques, traditionally used to handle data validation, are no longer sufficient. These outdated methods are not only time-consuming but also prone to human error, making them unreliable for ensuring data accuracy and consistency. As data landscapes grow more complex, the need for robust, automated processes becomes evident. State agencies must adopt comprehensive data integrity practices that move beyond manual efforts, ensuring all data flows are continuously monitored and validated for accuracy, completeness, and compliance with regulatory standards.

To address these challenges, we will introduce a five-step process designed to streamline data integrity management. This process emphasizes the importance of automated validation, end-to-end data reconciliation, and real-time monitoring. Attendees will gain insights into how adopting these advanced techniques can significantly reduce errors, enhance operational efficiency, and ensure compliance. Join us to uncover the full potential of data integrity and revolutionize your approach to a more modern one.

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Gotcha: Social Media Capture and Preservation for Government

Brian Thomas, Katherine Hoffman, and Erica Wilson-Lang — Texas State Library and Archives Commission


Social media platforms are increasingly being used by state agencies and local governments to communicate information to stakeholders, employees, and citizens – but what happens when the information is a record or has archival value? In this session, TSLAC Government Information Analysts Katherine Hoffman and Erica Wilson-Lang will discuss some of the records management concerns around social media, while Electronic Records Archivist Brian Thomas tackles the archival aspects of social media management. Topics include definitions, policy considerations, and capture goals.

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Preserving a Legacy: Digitizing the Mickey Leland Papers and Collection at Texas Southern University

Moderator: Anthony Rodriguez, PhD — Texas Southern University
Student Panelists: Grace Njoya, Amy Bickhem, Ahmad Zubairu, Ajiante Cruz, and Owen Heatherington — Texas Southern University
Corporate Panelist: Sophia Goodner-Rodriguez — Slalom


The Mickey Leland Center was established in September 1989 with an initial mission as a Think Tank on Public Policy. This mission was forever modified by the gift of the legislative records of the former congressperson, transforming the center into an archival maintenance and repository research center. Over the years, the center has struggled to execute both orders—records maintenance and Think Tank operations. Research of the institutional record revealed a third order: to serve as a resource and records keeper for members (civil servants) of the black and brown community within the 18th Congressional geographic space. This emphasis provided the center with a platform to engage in local, statewide, national, and international matters.

A second gift to the center from the same benefactor in 2023 sets the stage for the future of the archival space, mission, and goals, ensuring the legacy of Mickey Leland is maintained. The center also hopes to utilize Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Document Processing in the future to continue providing historical information. This evolution of the Mickey Leland Center will benefit not only Texas Southern University but the world.

This presentation will provide a historical background of the center and its means of survival over time, discussing the history, operations, technological changes, challenges, and opportunities for the continued existence of the Leland Center at Texas Southern University.

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Can AI Be Our Friend: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Kurt Thies — Gimmal; Craig Kelso — Texas State Library and Archives Commission


In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, the integration of AI into information governance presents both remarkable opportunities and significant challenges. This session will explore the dual-edged nature of AI in the context of compliant records management, policy enforcement, privacy preservation, and the necessity of proactive regulation.

Participants will gain insights into:

  • Compliant Records Management: How AI can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of records management while ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements.
  • Policy and Privacy: The critical role AI plays in maintaining and enforcing organizational policies, and safeguarding sensitive information against breaches and unauthorized access.
  • Proactive Regulation: The importance of establishing robust regulatory frameworks to guide the ethical use of AI, prevent misuse, and ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed responsibly.

Through case studies and practical examples, attendees will learn how to harness the power of AI to streamline operations, maintain compliance, and uphold the highest standards of information governance. Join us to explore how AI, when managed with foresight and responsibility, can be a powerful ally in the quest for effective and compliant information governance.

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People, Process, Technology – TXDOT's Approach for Automating Records Management

Nohemi Ruiz and Murali Krishna Texas Department of Transportation


An insight into the pragmatic approach taken by TXDOT’s Records Management team for managing records, utilizing policies and technology to complement the agency’s business processes and at the same time complying with the regulations.

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Crawl, Walk, Run – The Digital Transformation Experience

Moderator: Adam Guillen — Toshiba America Business Solutions
Panelists: Rosendo Banuelos — City of Austin Water; Chriselda Bazaldua — Edgewood ISD; Trisha Walker, LCSW — Judson ISD


Panelists will discuss how their Digital Transformation project has progressed and their experience at their stage of the project. Each panelist is at a different stage. Conversion from Paper to Digital (Crawl), Managing Digital Records & Retention Policies (Walk), and Digital Workflow deployments (Run).

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Future-Proofing Agency Data

David Brandt and James Bangs — DocuSign

Future-proofing agency data involves automating unstructured data in documents and processes to drive scalable efficiency. This includes ensuring interoperability of data flow across internal and external applications, reducing manual delays, and improving data validation accuracy. These efforts aim to create an immediate, agency-wide impact, establishing a foundation for continuous process improvement and growth. All while aligning to TX-RAMP data security standards to protect constituents, employees, and contractors from PII, PHI, and other sensitive information, while mitigating the increasing cyber threats faced by government entities.

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Digital Archives: A Multi-Sector Dialogue about Accessibility and Preservation

Moderator: Professor Ayse Gursoy — The University of Texas at Austin
Panelists: Mark Myers — Texas State Library and Archives Commission; Bethany Scott — University of Houston;  Shawn Malone — Travis County

Digital transformation continues to reshape how we create, preserve, and access historical records. This panel discussion moderated by UT iSchool Professor Ayse Gursoy brings together experts from Texas state government, local government, and university to explore common obstacles such as funding and staff constraints, exponentially growing volume, and the need for standardized practices. Attendees will learn about the collective effort required to safeguard Texas' heritage, whether born digital or digitized, for future generations and make it accessible to all.

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Driving Collaboration: How Data, Records, and Privacy Fuel the Texas DMV

Moderator: Ed Kelly — Consultant for Texas Secretary of State
Panelists: Tammi Powell, Lena Roberts, and Ashley Crutchfield — Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

The TxDMV agency’s mission is to serve, protect and advance the citizens, and industries in the state, with quality motor vehicle related services. The agency employees over 800 employees, supporting 16 regional service centers and oversees 26 million registered vehicles in Texas. Additionally, the department administers broad-ranging motor vehicle programs including vehicle registration and titling; vehicle dealer regulation; bus and carrier credentialing for intrastate and interstate commerce; oversize and overweight permit issuance; and grants to law enforcement agencies to reduce vehicle burglaries and thefts.

With the size and scope of the agency responsibilities the Records Management Officer (RMO), Data Management Officer (DMO) and Privacy Officer (PO) must work together to address the data and information challenges, confidentiality and privacy as well as the overall data lifecycle for multiple agency divisions. In this session we will share some of the lessoned learned, how their collaboration journey began, initiatives they are currently working on together and the perspectives on how each support the other to drive success for their respective areas of responsibility.

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Speaker Information

Pamela Baker | Analytics and Evaluation Manager | Department of Family and Protective Services

Pam has served DFPS clients and staff for over thirty years in a variety of roles and is currently the Analytics and Evaluation manager. She values collaboration within the agency and with external stakeholders, lifelong learning, and innovative ideas to better serve DFPS staff and the children and families into the future. Being a part of the agency’s data team for almost ten years has given her the opportunity to pursue these values, work alongside others with a shared vision and support improvements across the agency.

James Bangs | Texas Solution Engineer | DocuSign

James Bangs has twenty plus years experienced as a SaaS Consultant focused on empowering organizations to reach their strategic goals. He is a professional skilled in Solution Consulting, Direct Sales, Account Management, Software as a Service (SaaS) and Solution/Sales Presentations.

Rosendo Banuelos | Business Analyst | City of Austin Water

Rosendo has over two decades of experience working for tech organizations in the Austin area. This experience includes both private sector Fortune 500 companies and the public sector where he has spent the last seven years at Austin Water (AW), a department within the City of Austin. At each of these stops in his career, he has worked on projects implementing organization-wide enterprise solutions and upgrades, conducted SIT/UAT, and supported teams with data analysis and reporting utilizing many of the software tools prevalent in the industry to identify KPIs that drive the business. In his current role as a Business Analyst at AW, his responsibilities include managing the DocuWare system that is being utilized by over seventy users and over several program areas and growing the adoption of the system’s features as well as the footprint within AW. Rosendo holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with a Minor in Statistics from the University of Texas-San Antonio and a Master of Business Administration from Texas State University.

Chriselda Bazaldua | Chief of Information Systems | Edgewood ISD

Chriselda Bazaldua was born and raised on the South Side of San Antonio. She graduated as the Valedictorian of her class from South San Antonio High School in 2004. She attended Rice and St. Mary’s Universities as an undergraduate student. During college, she worked in the business and financial industries at JP Morgan Chase Bank and Alliance Bernstein Investments. A first-generation college graduate, Chriselda earned her Bachelor’s Degree in History with teacher certification from St. Mary’s University in the Spring of 2007.

Chriselda entered into the field of education with the mindset of service. After earning her Bachelor’s Degree, she returned to her home district and spent the past ten years in South San Antonio ISD, first as a math teacher and then an Assistant Principal and Principal, all at the middle school level. After serving on the campus level, she continued to serve as the Director of the Health Science Academy at South San Antonio High School and then as the Director of Student Empowerment and Choice Programs. During the 2018-2019 school year, she opened a revamped Health Science Academy at the high school level. Additionally, she opened a Choice Academy at each of the district’s middle school campuses. Chriselda earned a Master’s Degree in Education and Principal Certification from Texas A&M – San Antonio in the Fall of 2011. She is currently pursuing a Doctoral Degree and Superintendent Certification from Texas A&M – Commerce, where she has completed her coursework and is working on her dissertation. With a population very similar to the community she grew up in, Chriselda is excited to now serve the students and families of Edgewood ISD. Her passion is helping students achieve their greatest potential by eliminating barriers through access to new opportunities.

Amy Bickhem | Digital Archives and Training Coordinator | Texas Southern University

Amy Bickhem separated from the Air Force to complete her degree and is currently a rising junior at Texas Southern University, majoring in Human and Health Sciences with a concentration in Psychology. As a research assistant at the Mickey Leland Center, Amy manages archival projects and events, streamlines training processes, and ensures continuity for Digital Commons and archival workflows. Her work includes process improvement initiatives and training team members to maintain efficient, accurate records management. Currently, Amy is focused on digitalizing and organizing the center’s historical collections to honor Congressman Leland’s legacy and enhance public accessibility. Through her role, Amy is dedicated to advancing the center’s mission and exploring innovative methods in digital and archival management.

David Brandt | Texas Account Executive | DocuSign

Davis Brandt is a Professional Sales Executive in the technology industry with 10+ years of experience in SaaS. He partners with agencies to drive change through strategic vision.

Carolina Corpus-Ybarra | Analytics and Evaluation | Department of Family and Protective Services

Passionate about serving system impacted children and youth, Carolina has worked in Texas state and county government serving vulnerable clients over the last 20+ years. Inspired by the power of knowledge, she has spent the last nine years focused on using data to inform government leadership and strengthen policy and practice to advance client outcomes and experiences. Carolina earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice from St. Edward’s University and her Master of Arts degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Sam Houston State University.

Amanda Crawford | Executive Director, State of Texas Chief Information Officer | Texas Department of Information Resources

Amanda Crawford is the Executive Director of DIR and serves as the Chief Information Officer for the State of Texas. In this role, she is responsible for the overall leadership, direction, and daily operations of DIR, an agency with an annual fiscal profile of approximately $5 billion per year. DIR's responsibilities include protecting the state's data and critical technology infrastructure, managing a multi-billion-dollar cooperative contracts program, and providing strategic technology leadership, solutions, and innovation to all levels of Texas government. Under Mandy’s leadership, DIR led the state’s successful response to the 2019 ransomware attack that affected over 20 local government entities in Texas and secured the transition to the next-generation suite of managed IT services offered through DIR’s Shared Technology Services program.

Prior to leading the team at DIR, Mandy served at the Office of the Attorney General of Texas (OAG) for more than 17 years. She held various positions at the OAG, including ultimately serving for two and a half years as the Deputy Attorney General for Administration and General Counsel. Mandy is a graduate of The University of Texas at Austin and earned her law degree from the University of Houston Law Center.

Ashley Crutchfield | Privacy Attorney | Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

Ashley Crutchfield is an Associate General Counsel at the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) and serves as TxDMV’s Privacy Attorney. Ashley is a Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States (CIPP/US) and a member of the Texas Bar College. Before joining TxDMV, she worked at the Texas Department of Banking on issues surrounding cryptocurrency. Additionally, she has worked at several other state agencies, including the Texas Attorney General’s Office and Texas Legislative Council. Ashley received her B.A. from the University of Texas and her J.D. from Boston University.

Ajiante Cruz | Research Analyst | Texas Southern University

Ajiante Cruz is an undergraduate student at Texas Southern University, majoring in Entertainment and Recording Industry Management. As a Research Analyst at the Mickey Leland Center, Ajiante completed impactful projects focused on community engagement and social analysis, contributing valuable insights to her team’s research efforts.

Sophia Goodner-Rodriguez | Senior Principal, Account Leader | Slalom

Sophia is skilled professional with Slalom's Public & Social Impact team. As a dedicated public sector consultant specializing in transformative technology solutions, she has a proven track record in leading high-stakes projects that modernize and innovate government, higher-ed, and nonprofit operations. Her expertise lies in case management system modernization, implementing digital twin technology, and leveraging geospatial analytics for enhanced surveillance and oversight.

Adam Guillen | Manager of Professional Services | Toshiba America Business Solutions

Adam Guillen has been in the Records Management field for over 20 years and with Toshiba America for 10 years. Adam has consulted with clients in the Public and Private sector that range from Fortune 500 companies to Large Government organizations. Adam and the Toshiba team have consulted, designed and deployed projects from the beginning stages of conversion services to minimizing paper with Digital Workflow projects that include Web Forms submission processes.

Ayse Gursoy | Assistant Professor of Instruction | School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin

Ayse Gursoy is a Boyvey postdoctoral teaching fellow in the School of Information. Her research interests include digital archives, game studies, and game preservation. She is particularly interested in inclusive and playful approaches to pedagogy.

Owen Hetherington | Graduate Student and Spatial Analyst | Texas Southern University

Owen Hetherington is a graduate student in Urban Planning and Environmental Policy at Texas Southern University. As a Spatial Analyst at the Mickey Leland Center, Owen applies his expertise in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to research projects aimed at mapping development indicators and supporting community development initiatives. Drawing from his experience growing up in the United Kingdom and earning his bachelor’s degree in Geography, Owen brings a unique perspective on socioeconomic and environmental planning in a global context. His work at the center is informed by his experience in rural development in Southern Africa, where he participated in a community development project in Mozambique and Eswatini. Owen hopes his research will contribute to international relations and decision-making while advancing the legacy of Mickey Leland.

Katherine Hoffman | Government Information Analyst | Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Katherine Hoffman is a Government Information Analyst at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Richmond and a master’s degree in Information Studies from the University of Texas at Austin. Before switching to records management, she worked in libraries for over ten years including five years as a public law librarian. She enjoys puzzling over tricky questions and connecting people with the information they need.

Ed Kelly | Data Governance Consultant | Texas Secretary of State

Ed Kelly has over 40 years’ experience in both business and information technology, equally split between the private and public sector. He currently serves as a data governance consultant for the Texas Secretary of State. Previously he was the Chief Data Officer for the State of Texas at the Department of Information Resources (DIR). In that role, he worked with state agencies and institutions of higher education across the state to collaboratively develop data policies, standards, and best practices to improve data governance and data management. Prior to joining DIR, he held positions with the Texas Department of Agriculture as Chief Administrative Officer and with the Texas Department of Public Safety as Chief Information Officer. Additionally, Ed’s experience includes a variety of roles and responsibilities in the private sector at State Street Bank & Trust Company, Fidelity Investments, Dell Computer, Dell Financial Services, and Unisys Corporation.

Craig Kelso | State Records Administrator and SLRM Division Director | Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Craig Kelso, CRM is the State Records Administrator and Division Director of the SLRM program at TSLAC. Since joining the division in 2012, he has worked to simplify the intake process and upgrade the network infrastructure at the State Records Center; upgraded the records tracking system; worked to expand digital imaging services; and encourages the increased use of online resources for records management training including online webinars, blog posts, and YouTube videos.

Prior to moving to Austin, he served as an Electronic Records Archivist, then Director of the Missouri State Records Management Program. As an Electronic Records Archivist he assisted state agencies in the management of their records through training, consulting, and creating or updating retention schedules. As Director, he managed daily operations and tackled several large projects to modernize operations in the records center and imaging unit.

Craig is a member of ARMA International and National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators. He has an undergraduate degree in history from Missouri State University, and master’s degrees in History and Business Administration from West Virginia University.

Murali Krishna | Lead OnBase Developer | Texas Department of Transportation

Murali Krishna has over 20 years of consulting experience in the Enterprise Content and Records Management (ECRM) domain. His experiences are at all levels and has a wide-range background allowing him to providing effective leadership and services. He brings the entrepreneurial spirit to all his client engagements— from building and managing high-performing teams, to forging relationships with internal and external entities.

Abigail Kurtzman | Product Marketing Manager for Data Integrity | Tricentis

Abigail Kurtzman is a product marketing manager with extensive experience with data integrity and change impact analysis. With previous experience as a BDR, she understands how the business value is just as important as the technical value when talking about new technologies. Abigail’s in-depth knowledge and enablement has been instrumental in helping clients understand how to achieve their data quality objectives.

Shawn Malone | Records Management Officer | Travis County

Shawn has been the Travis County Records Management Officer since 2017. In this capacity, he advises and consults with records custodians on the legal and regulatory framework within which local government records are created, used, and sometimes destroyed, including paper, microfilm, and digital formats. His portfolio includes oversight of historical archives records, document imaging (scanning), and traditional offsite storage of paper and microfilm records.

Gloria Meraz | Director and Librarian | Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Gloria Meraz is Director and Librarian of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC), the state agency that supports the reading, learning, and historical preservation needs of Texas and its people. Colloquially known as the State Librarian of Texas, Meraz was appointed on September 1, 2021.

Meraz had previously served as the Assistant State Librarian at TSLAC since August 2016. Prior to joining TSLAC, she served for 17 years as the Director of Communications for the Texas Library Association. Meraz, a native of El Paso, holds a bachelor’s degree in Museum Studies from Baylor University and a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Texas at Austin.

Mark Myers | Senior Electronic Records Specialist | Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Mark J. Myers is the senior electronic records specialist TSLAC and has over 20 years of experience in electronic records management and digital preservation. Mark is one of the administrators of the Texas Digital Archive, which preserves and makes accessible the electronic records of Texas state government, beginning with the records of Governor Rick Perry in 2015. Mark also provides advice and assistance to state government agencies for the long-term preservation of their electronic records. Prior to his work in Texas, Mark was the electronic records archivist with the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives from 2001-2014, and an electronic records archivist with the Alabama Department of Archives and History from 1999-2001. Mark has a bachelor’s degree in secondary education from the University of Kentucky and graduate work from Auburn University. He now lives in Austin, Texas, with his two children.

Grace Njoya | Research Assistant | Texas Southern University

Grace Njoya is an undergraduate student at Texas Southern University studying political science with minors in communications and Spanish. As a research assistant at the Mickey Leland Center, Grace has been instrumental in expanding the center’s digital archives to preserve Congressman Mickey Leland’s papers and collection. Her work includes researching Leland’s legislative contributions, such as his efforts to increase healthcare access for underserved communities and his support of the Hatch-Waxman Act to expand affordable prescriptions. Additionally, Grace has conducted an in-depth analysis of the center’s funding history, examining state funding trends over the past few decades through the Texas General Appropriations Act.

Chase Oubre | Data Integrity Solution Architect | Tricentis

Chase Oubre, with over seven years of experience in data integrity and advanced testing solutions, has extensive knowledge and practical insights into modern data validation techniques that make him an invaluable resource for any organization looking to enhance their data management strategies.

Tammi Powell | Data Management Officer | Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

Tammi Powell serves as the Data Management Officer for the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles. Tammi’s role is to create a data culture where data is viewed and managed as an enterprise asset, data quality and integrity drive data strategic value, and data sharing leads to greater collaboration and transparency among stakeholders. Before joining the TxDMV, Tammi worked at the Texas Department of Information Resources and Texas Water Development Board serving in various data management roles including database administration, data architecture, and Texas Open Data Portal Administrator. Tammi earned her B.A. and M.A. in Spanish from the University of Texas at Austin, has a post-graduate certificate in Library Science from Texas Women’s University, and earned an M.S. in Information Science from the University of North Texas.

Lena Roberts | Records Management Officer and Public Information Coordinator/Compliance Officer | Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

Lena Roberts is an Associate General Counsel at the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) and serves as TxDMV’s Records Management Officer and Public Information Coordinator/Compliance Officer. Lena is a past Chair of the State Agency Coordinating Committee Records and Information Management Subcommittee, and participated in a panel presentation regarding records management in a hybrid workforce at the 2021 eRecords Conference. Before joining TxDMV, she worked at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for 17 years as an enforcement attorney, agenda coordinator, and public information attorney. Lena received her B.A. from the University of Oklahoma and her J.D. from Texas Tech University.

Anthony M. Rodriguez, PhD | Executive Director, Mickey Leland Center | Texas Southern University

Anthony Rodriguez has over 10 years of experience as the managing operator within the Mickey Leland Center. Anthony was instrumental in moving the archives from a finding aid only platform to a relational database with an emphasis on remote access to archival documents and research. Anthony is known for his innovative and transparent approach to public service, focusing on achieving objectives and fostering positive change.

Nohemi Ruiz | Records Manager | Texas Department of Transportation

Nohemi Ruiz has been working for TxDOT for over 24 years. She graduated from University of Houston with an Information Systems degree. Her first 15 years of her career she provided Enterprise Content Management (ECM) technical support. She then transitioned from a technical support role to business role in 2017. She became a Strategy Business Relationship Manager for Enterprise Data and Information Management support and two years later she was appointed to be TxDOT's Records Manager for the agency. Over the past five years Nohemi has supported TxDOT Records Management Program at all levels. She has applied her knowledge and skills to bringing records information management principles, practices and standards to TxDOT ECM systems. Her broad experience, along with her long record of service to TxDOT, has made her an ideal candidate to supporting TxDOT's Records Management Program.

Tony Sauerhoff | State of Texas Chief Information Security Officer | Texas Department of Information Resources

Tony Sauerhoff is the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for the State of Texas. Tony has over 30 years of experience in IT and cybersecurity and served in leadership positions with the federal judiciary and the U.S. Department of Defense. He began his career as a communications specialist in the U.S. Air Force. Tony has a Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity from Champlain College, a Master of Science in Information Security and Privacy from the University of Texas at Austin, and holds CISSP and GSLC cybersecurity certifications.

Bethany Scott | Head of Preservation & Reformatting | University of Houston

Bethany Scott is the Head of Preservation & Reformatting and Product Owner of the Libraries' open-source digital access and preservation ecosystem. She is currently researching how to assess and improve the Libraries' carbon footprint, particularly for its digital and computing infrastructure. Her areas of expertise include digital preservation, born-digital archives, scanning and imaging, and reuse of archival metadata. Bethany received an MS in Information Studies from the University of Texas at Austin.

Natalie Smolenski | Strategic Advisor | Hyland

Natalie Smolenski is a founder of both software startups and non-profit organizations. She co-founded Learning Machine, a software company that built the first Bitcoin-based digital identity wallet and helped launch the global decentralized identity movement. She exited Learning Machine to Hyland, where she currently leads business development. She also co-founded the Texas Blockchain Council, a professional trade association representing the Bitcoin industry in Texas, and the Texas Bitcoin Foundation, a 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to original research and education about Bitcoin and political economy. She writes about Bitcoin policy as a Senior Fellow at the Bitcoin Policy Institute.

Kurt Thies | Vice President, Gimmal Lifecycle Governance Solutions | Gimmal

Kurt Thies is a well-recognized Digital Transformation Executive, Innovator, and Thought Leader with proven ability to design solutions, develop loyal customers and business partners, build and inspire teams, and lead growth and transformation. Areas of expertise include strategic vision, sales and marketing, planning and execution, business development, account success, and corporate development. A visionary, transformational leader who creates high performing teams and instills a customer-centric culture.

Kurt founded and built a leading information management software company, developing a loyal customer base, including global projects with several Fortune 50 customers. When the company was acquired by the $3 billion leader in the industry, he led their innovation strategy, integrating with their technology platforms, building strategic partners, and developing solutions for their largest customers. Kurt is currently Vice President, Gimmal Lifecycle Governance Solutions.

Brian Thomas | Electronic Records Specialist | Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Brian Thomas is an electronic records specialist/digital preservationist at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. He is also an avid programmer seeking to use automated means to accomplish tasks better and faster. With Mark Myers he managed the Texas Digital Archive and its public access portal. He has an MSIS from the University of Texas at Austin.

Kaan Volkan | Solutions Consultant | ZL Tech

Kaan Volkan has read over 20,000 technical pages on IG technologies and helped numerous organizations clean up file shares. Now, he focuses on sharing his findings to help more organizations overcome data challenges.

His unique take on technology and vendors combined with his brief engaging style makes for some of the most entertaining and educational webinars.

Trisha Walker, LCSW | School Age Parenting Program Social Worker, McKinney Vento/Foster Care Liaison | Judson ISD

Trisha Walker, LCSW, is a native of San Antonio, only leaving to attend college at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. There she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. After graduating she worked in the child welfare system for 13 years. During that time, she obtained her Master’s Degree in Community Counseling and her Master's Degree in Social Work from The University of Texas at San Antonio. Trisha is currently employed at the Judson Independent School District where she was an At-Risk campus Social Worker at Metzger Middle School for 7 years. She is now the district's McKinney-Vento/Foster Care Liaison as well as the district's School Age Parenting Program Social Worker.

Erica Wilson-Lang | Government Information Analyst | Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Erica Wilson-Lang returned to the State and Local Records Management division after a hiatus. She's excited to be back helping state agencies and local governments with their RIM programs.

She earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Texas at Austin before joining SLRM, and she enjoys helping people get into compliance, as this is the first step in embarking on the records management journey. She had a former mentor who was fond of saying that the three pillars that support democracy are the Public Information Act, the Open Meetings Act, and records management laws. This principle has guided her as she helps local governments and state agencies establish and maintain their records programs.

Ahmad Zubairu | Web Designer and UX Designer | Texas Southern University

Ahmad is a Computer Engineering student at Texas Southern University. He is a hardworking, dedicated, and relentless person who is always willing to learn and grow. He is a UX Designer for the university and a Web Designer for the School of Public Affairs.

Outside of work, she enjoys crafting, going to see stand-up comedy, and spending time with her husband and cat.

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Commons Conference Center
2901 Read Granberry Trail
Austin, TX 78758

Located at the southwest corner of Burnet Road and Braker Lane, within the main complex of the J.J. Pickle Research Campus.

There is no designated hotel for this event. The Commons Conference Center maninatins a list of area hotels within three miles of their location.

A map of the venue is available here.

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Access Sciences

Alchemy Technology Group







doc2e-file Inc.

Document Logistix

Donoma Software



ICRM - Institute of Certified Records Managers

IQ Business Group

Iron Mountain Government Solutions


Luna Data Solutions, Inc.



Neubus Inc.



Pilog Inc



Rackspace Technology Public Sector

Record Consultants Inc.

Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)

Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC)

Toshiba Business Solutions


Veeam Software Corporation

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This popular annual conference provides an excellent opportunity for your company to meet decision-makers from Texas government interested in the management of electronic records. Vendors with services and products related to electronic records and data management are invited to exhibit. The exhibit area features tabletop displays rather than large tradeshow-style booths, making for an easy set up appreciated by past exhibitors.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to meet public sector decision-makers and showcase your offerings. Space is limited, so register early here!

DIR organizes the exhibitor part of this conference. For questions about exhibiting, contact Mark Leavenworth at mark.leavenworth at

All table are sold out. Please email Joshua Clark at jclark at to be notified next year about exhibiting at the conference.

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Registration and Attendees: Contact SLRM at 512-463-7610 or

Speakers: Contact Joshua Clark at 512-936-0270 or jclark at

Exhibitor information: Contact Mark Leavenworth at mark.leavenworth at

Billing and Invoice: Contact Joshua Clark at 512-936-0270 or jclark at

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Page last modified: December 6, 2024