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TexShare Governance and Operations
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities


Texas academic library directors first proposed TexShare as an academic statewide resource-sharing project in 1988. Formal funding for TexShare as a program began in fiscal year 1994. The 53 publicly supported four-year academic and medical libraries were the original TexShare members.

TexShare has grown in membership throughout the years and become the premier program of library resource sharing in Texas.  The TexShare consortium is made up of almost 700 public, private, and community college libraries; public libraries; and libraries of clinical medicine.  The TexShare Affiliate Membership program provides a structure for other kinds of nonprofit libraries to benefit from TexShare services. Membership in the consortium is open to all institutions of higher education, accredited Texas public libraries, and libraries of clinical medicine. For more detail, see the TexShare web site at and

TexShare is a member-driven program, administered by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission with one goal in mind: meeting the information needs of Texas libraries.  TexShare services are intended to help every member library fulfill its unique mission. The success of TexShare is based upon a ready willingness of its members to freely share collections, facilities, access, and expertise.

This document attempts to clarify the roles and functions of each of the components of TexShare's operation and governance.  It is intended to provide information for TexShare libraries and librarians, government officials, and for others interested in the workings of TexShare.

Listed below are the roles and selected responsibilities for the TexShare stakeholders.  These statements are subject to periodic review and revision by those involved in the management and policy-making aspects of the program. 

Texas State Library and Archives Commission


  • Charged by statute to establish and maintain the TexShare library resource-sharing consortium.  (Government Code §441.222)
  • Encouraged by statute to allow designated libraries to participate in group purchasing agreements (Government Code §441.229(b))


  1. Establishes by Administrative Rule the policies that govern the operation of the consortium (Government Code § 441.225(b)), and participation of designated libraries in group purchasing agreements (Government Code § 441.229(b)).
  2. Appoints members of the Advisory Board.  (Government Code §441.226; 13 TAC § 8.4 (a))
  3. Receives advice from the Advisory Board on TexShare programs and plans.
  4. Adopts biennial Strategic Plan and Legislative Appropriations Request, including TexShare programs and services.

Director and Librarian


  • Charged by statute to administer the consortium. (Government Code §441.225 (a))
  • Admits eligible libraries as affiliate or full members in the consortium. (13 TAC §8.3(b)(5))


  1. Accountable to the Legislature and the Commission for specific performance objectives of the TexShare consortium.
  2. Represents needs of TexShare to the Legislature, the governor and other elected officials and state agencies.
  3. Reports to the Commission on activities, accomplishments and needs of TexShare.
  4. With the advice of the Advisory Board, recommends policies governing TexShare to the Commission for adoption in Administrative Rule.
  5. With the advice of the Advisory Board, establishes categories of consortium services and assesses fees for participation.
  6. Approves operational budget for TexShare.
  7. Employs a staff "sufficient in number, education and experience to achieve the purposes of the consortium."  (Government Code §441.225 (a))
  8. Calls meetings of the Advisory Board (13 TAC  §8.4(c))
  9. Reviews affiliate and full membership petitions and either grants or denies the petitions. (13 TAC  §8.3(a))

Texas State Library and Archives Commission Staff

Role: Provides overall management and support for TexShare programs and services.


  1. Provides basic managerial oversight for all TexShare programs.
  2. Monitors day-to-day performance of TexShare activities.
  3. Responds to inquiries and communicates with member libraries.
  4. Recommends changes in policy, programs and program offerings to the Director and Librarian and the Advisory Board.
  5. Works with Director and Librarian and with Chair of Advisory Board to set agenda for Advisory Board meetings.
  6. Coordinates TexShare with other Commission programs.
  7. Serves as liaison to state government agencies on TexShare issues.
  8. Provides administrative support for the TexShare Advisory Board.
  9. Provides administrative support for, and coordinates work of, TexShare Working Groups.
  10. In consultation with the Working Groups and the Advisory Board, appoints members of the Working Groups.
  11. Formulates and recommends the annual TexShare budget to the Director and Librarian.
  12. Gathers, analyzes, and reports statistics to the membership and state agencies.
  13. Reviews and recommends revisions to performance measures, as appropriate.
  14. Applies for and administers grant funding in support of TexShare.
  15. In consultation with the Working Groups, develops and issues RFPs and negotiates contracts for TexShare activities and services.
  16. Oversees performance of TexShare procurement documents, contracts, or other forms of agreement with strategic partners and other contractors.
  17. In accordance with Administrative Rules, issues RFP’s and manages process for TexShare grants programs.
  18. Represents and speaks on behalf of TexShare at professional meetings and public forums.
  19. Prepares information about TexShare programs and services and distributes it to TexShare members and the public in an appropriate and timely manner.

Chair of TexShare Advisory Board

Role:  Presides over TexShare Advisory Board and provides leadership for Board activities.


  1. Works with staff to set agenda for Advisory Board meetings.
  2. Presides at meetings of the Advisory Board.
  3. Represents Advisory Board to the Commission, the profession, and the public.
  4. As needed, calls meetings of the TexShare Advisory Board in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act (13 TAC §8.4 (c))

TexShare Advisory Board

Role:  Charged by statute to advise the Commission on matters relating to the TexShare consortium.  (Government Code §441.226 (a))


  1. Meets at least twice each year regarding TexShare programs and plans. (13 TAC §8.4 (c))
  2. Elects its Chair and Vice-Chair.  (13 TAC § 8.4 (f))
  3. Represents member institutions and libraries in matters of policy and programs.
  4. Reviews TexShare policies and programs and recommends to the Commission necessary changes and additions.
  5. Reviews and provides advice on the TexShare operational budget.
  6. Reviews and recommends grant funding applications in support of TexShare activities.
  7. Reviews recommendations and advises staff on appointments to the TexShare Working Groups.
  8. Represents and speaks on behalf of TexShare at professional meetings and public forums.
  9. Recommends to the Director and Librarian and/or Commission that the consortium admit or deny membership status or affiliate membership status to eligible non-profit libraries.


TexShare Working Groups

Role:  Provide member input on TexShare programs and cost sharing assessments.


  1. Review TexShare programs and provide advice to Commission staff and the Advisory Board.
  2. Designate a chair and a representative to participate in meetings of the Advisory Board.
  3. Propose agenda topics for Advisory Board meetings and provide information in support of agenda items as needed.
  4. Assist Commission staff in the selection of electronic databases.
  5. Review information on projected funding needs and make recommendations on cost sharing issues.
  6. Monitor and recommend enhancements to the TexShare Card program.
  7. Recommend training and outreach needed to maximize the value and benefit members derive from TexShare services.
  8. Make recommendations regarding participation of affiliate members in TexShare group purchasing activities and other TexShare services.
  9. Recommend statistics to be gathered and compiled.
  10. Prepare special reports and/or sponsor data-gathering activities as appropriate.
  11. Working groups will conduct their business by email, conference calls, and meetings, as they deem appropriate.  They should meet at least once a year.
  12. Chairs of the working groups may be called upon to participate in taskforces as needed.

TexShare Member Institutions

Role:  Participate in TexShare programs


  1. Participate actively in TexShare programs and governance.
  2. Support staff participation in TexShare Working Groups, committees, etc.; especially by paying travel expenses to attend meetings.
  3. Remit assessed fees for participation in a timely manner.
  4. Report statistics in a timely manner.
  5. Provide information in response to requests from Commission staff and/or Working Groups, committees, etc.
  6. Provide feedback to staff and the Advisory Board on program content and mechanisms.

K-12 Libraries

TexShare was founded upon a vision of all types of libraries working together to maximize the effectiveness of library expenditures. K-12 libraries are an important part of that vision. Public K-12 school districts and open enrollment charter schools are automatically admitted as TexShare affiliate members.

Role:  Participate in TexShare programs, particularly the TexQuest electronic resources program.


  1. Participate actively in TexQuest and/or programs and TexShare programs, as appropriate.
  2. Support staff participation in K-12 committees, working groups, etc., especially by paying travel expenses to attend meetings.
  3. Remit assessed fees for participation in a timely manner.
  4. Report statistics in a timely manner.
  5. Provide information in response to requests from Commission staff and/or Working Groups, committees, etc.
  6. Provide feedback to staff and the Advisory Board on program content and mechanisms.

TexShare Affiliate Member Institutions

Role:  Participate in TexShare programs


  1. Participate actively in TexShare programs specified in membership agreement.
  2. Designate liaisons/representatives to committees, task forces, etc. as appropriate.
  3. Support staff participation in TexShare committees, etc.; especially by paying travel expenses to attend meetings.
  4. Remit assessed fees for participation in a timely manner.
  5. Report statistics in a timely manner.
  6. Provide information in response to requests from Commission staff and/or Working Groups, committees, etc.; including but not limited to contact information, database access information, and eligibility information.
  7. Provide feedback to staff and the Advisory Board on program content and mechanisms applicable to programs in which the affiliate library is participating.

Operational Partners

(Currently Amigos Library Services and Education Service Center, Region 20)

Role:  Provide unique and specific resource sharing expertise to TexShare.


  1. Fulfill specific responsibilities or services as detailed in procurement documents, contracts, or other forms of agreement.
  2. Provide advice and information to TSLAC staff to assist in development and implementation of TexShare programs and services.
  3. Provide advice and information to TexShare Working Groups, committees, and task forces by designating a representative to participate in appropriate working groups.
  4. Provide advice and information to the TexShare Advisory Board by designating a representative to participate in the meetings of the board.
  5. Assist in facilitating communication and collaboration between TexShare and the broader resource sharing communities.


Page last modified: July 13, 2021