Anson Jones to Isaac Van Zandt, December 23, 1842
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Sam Houston appointed Marshall attorny Isaac Van Zandt as charg d'affaires for the Republic of Texas in Washington, D.C. in 1842. Van Zandt served until 1845 and was the principal negotiator for annexation. He returned to Texas and ran for governor in 1847, but died in a yellow fever epidemic.
This letter gives a glimpse into the diplomatic relationship between Texas and the Indian tribes during Sam Houston's second term in office. Houston wanted to halt hostilities that had resulted in deaths and atrocities on both sides, and instead make treaties to establish peaceful trading relations. As this letter shows, Houston intended that not only Texas, but the United States would enter into these treaty relationships. These negotiations culminated in success with the Bird's Fort Treaty in 1843.
The "Mr. Eve" referred to in the letter is Joseph Eve, charg d'affaires of the United States to the Republic of Texas. Eve was a great admirer of Sam Houston and of Texas in general, and a strong supporter of annexation. Eve was recalled from his post in Galveston in 1843, but died of fever before he could return home.
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Washington Dec 23d 1842
To Isaac Vanzandt Esq
Charge d' Affaires of Texas
By recent information received
from the various Indian Tribes who have heretofore been
committing hostile depredations upon our Frontier settle-
ments, and within our limits, it is understood that they
are now willing and anxious to hold a Council, and
to conclude a treaty of peace. For this purpose Commis-
sioners have been appointed on the part of Texas, and
the 9th day of February next and the old Waco Villa
on the Brazos River have been fixed upon as the time
and place of holding a General Council with those [In-]
dians[.] The President of the United States having sign[ed]
his assent to the request, made by Mr. Reily that he
would appoint a Commissioner or Commissioners to be [pres-]
ent and make the United State a party to the Treaty
and a mutual guarantor to the two other parties [when-]
ever the time and place were made known to him. I [have]
communicated a notice of these facts to Mr. Eve, Char[ge]
d' Affaires of the United States to the Govt with a request
Anson Jones to Isaac Van Zandt, December 23, 1842. Andrew Jackson Houston Papers, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.