Transfer Deed, Sale of the Alamo Church to the State of Texas
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W. edge to a point in the East prolonga- tion of S. wall of the Convent building
and convent yard a 116 ft. and 30/100 S. 79 1/3° E. from the place of beginning-
thus closing the survey of the site proper and including within its lines every
por- tion of the Alamo Church proper. Whereas there is no reason to believe
and it is generally understood that this grantor is seized and possessed of a
surplus strip of ground of some nine feet in width adjoining the above de-
scribed property and lying on its south side and constituting a part thereof;
and whereas it is the intention of both parties that the entire Alamo property
not heretofore conveyed shall now be conveyed to the State of Texas:
therefore the said strip of land is here- by conveyed to the State of Texas as
fully to all intents and purposes as had the same been herein described by
metes and bounds. To have and to hold all and Singu- lar the premises above
mentioned and described unto the said State of Texas and its assigns forever.
And the said Catholic Church of the Diocese of San Antonio, acting as afore-
said, doth hereby bind itself, and the said John C. Nevez, Bishop as aforesaid,
doth hereby bind himself, his heirs, ex-