Sam Houston's Copy of His Official Report of the Battle of San Jacinto
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Head Quarters of the army
San Jacinto 25th April 1836
To his
D.G. Burnett
President of the Republic of Texas
I regret extremely that my situation since the Battle
of the 21st has been such as to prevent my rendering you my official
report of the same previous to this time
I have the honor to inform you that on the evening of the 18th
Inst after a forced march of fifty five miles, which was effected
in two days and a half, the army arrived opposite Harrisburg; that
Evening a courier of the Enemy was taken from whom I learned
that Gen Santa Anna with one Division of his choice troops had
marched in the direction of Lynch's Ferry on the San Jacinto, burn=
ing Harrisburg as he passed down-
The Army was ordered to be in readiness to march early on the next morning-
The main body effected a crossing over Buffalo Bayou,
below Harrisburg on the morning of the 19th, having left the Baggage,
the sick, and a sufficient camp Guard in the rear-
We continued the march throughout the night, making but one halt
in the prairie for a short time, and without refreshment-At daylight
we resumed the line of march, and in a short distance our Scouts
encountered those of the Enemy, and we received information
that Gen Santa Anna was at New Washington and would that
day take up his line of march for Anahuac, crossing at Lynch's.