Grant Programs


Grant Programs





Grant Resources


The Texas Reads Grant funds public library programs to promote reading and literacy within local communities. Programs may include, but are not limited to book talks; English literacy classes; author visits; book clubs or discussion groups; Día (El Día de los niños/El día de los libros); Born-to-Read or Every Child Ready to Read programs; One Book, One Community programs; or programs to enhance summer reading club activities.


VIDEO: Texas Reads Grant Program Overview
FY25 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) - Texas Reads Grant Program
DRAFT TEMPLATE - Texas Reads Grant



TexTreasures are grants designed to help libraries make their special collections more accessible for the people of Texas and beyond. Activities considered for possible funding include: 

  • digitization
  • microfilming
  • cataloging

There are two options for funding under the TexTreasures program. TexTreasures Basic is designed for small libraries with little or no experience with digitization. TexTreasures Original support libraries seeking to provide access to collections of statewide interest and greater complexity.


VIDEO: TexTreasures Grant Program Overview
FY25 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) - TexTreasures Grant Program
DRAFT TEMPLATE - TexTreasures Grant Program


Special Projects Grant - APPLICATIONS CLOSED

The Special Project Grant program provides funds for programs that expand library services to include all members of the library's community. It enables libraries to develop programs for populations with special needs or those having difficulty using the library. Programs focusing on community engagement or involving collaboration with other community organizations are strongly encouraged.


VIDEO: Special Projects Grant Program Overview
FY25 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) - Special Projects Grant Program
DRAFT TEMPLATE - Special Projects Grant


Regional ILS Cooperative - APPLICATIONS CLOSED

This grant program provides funds for programs that establish or enhance cooperative services among libraries that are members of the TexShare Library Consortium or the Texas Library System, or these libraries and community organizations. Programs must emphasize improved services by the participating entities to their customers and be designed as a multi-year cooperative program.


VIDEO: Regional ILS Cooperative Grant Program Overview
FY25 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) - Regional ILS Cooperative Grant Program
DRAFT TEMPLATE - Regional ILS Cooperative Grant


Family Place Libraries™ Grant - APPLICATIONS OPEN

The Family Place Libraries™ Grant is a highly prescriptive program centered on creating a welcoming, family-centered environment that empowers caregivers of young children as they become their child's first teacher. This grant provides funding for equipment and training necessary to:

  • Host workshops for children 0-3 and their caregivers.
  • Develop an interactive space for this age group to play and learn in the library.
  • Forge strong partnerships with organizations serving young children and their families.

FY25 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) - Family Place Libraries


To learn more about the process of becoming a Family Place Library™
location, please visit



This grant program provides funds for programs and services that expand the capacity of library staff to meet identified and/or demonstrated community needs through professional training and development opportunities. It enables library staff to learn, expand, and/or hone skills needed to provide responsive programming and services to community members. 

FY25 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) - Library Capacity
DRAFT TEMPLATE - Library Capacity Grant

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Please contact the TSLAC Grants Team with any questions about TSLAC Competitive Grants. 

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Page last modified: September 30, 2024