C.W. Raines to McArdle, May 19, 1905
Handbook of Texas article on C.W. Raines
Prof H A McArdle
San Antonio Tex
Dear Sir
Replying to yours of yesterday,
I would say that you failed to understand my last letter.
I asked no question about descriptions of the San Jacinto flag by others
but asked if you had ever seen it or examined it personally. I under-
stand now that you have never seen or examined the flag yourself, that your
ideas of its design were from written descriptions of it. There were
two or more Miles' at San Jacinto: which one made that communication to you
& when? It was Edward I see in your first letter.
Would you part with communication touching the flag & if so, on what terms[?]
We would like to have it for the State Library. Was it Miles or Sylvester that bore the
flag[?] I see however by reference to your first letter that Sylvester carried it. So that
settles that matter as to the flag bearer.
You misunderstand me again this time as to the Educational Depart-
ment being excited. On the contrary I don’t think that Department [is] excited at
all tho' the question about the San Jacinto flag has excited some of the teachers
or rather applicants for certificates. And no wonder where such authorities
as yourself & Mrs. L disagree so widely as to the design of that flag. However I
believe you are correct & I don't doubt that the Educational Department
will accept your version of the design, whatever some teachers may do.
Can you cite to any description in print published before the Civil War?
Any description published now would be only hearsay or secondary evidence.
There is enough of the flag still left to verify your statements as to its
designs. I think [the] Ed Miles communication ought to be filed with your letters
on this subject if you can make up your mind to part with it for such
a purpose.
Ever Yours
C W. Raines
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C.W. Raines to McArdle, May 19, 1905, The Battle of San Jacinto Notebook, The McArdle Notebooks, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.