Texas Public Libraries:
Economic Benefits and Return on Investment 
Prepared for the Texas State Library and Archives Commission by the Bureau of Business Research IC² Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, January 2017
Public libraries in the State of Texas provide significant economic benefits for their communities. Collectively, in FY2015, Texas public libraries were found to provide $2.628 billion in benefits while costing $566 million, a return on investment of $4.64 for each dollar.
A data-intensive research design was developed to document and to quantify these economic benefits. Extensive databases from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) were used in conjunction with the input-out economic modeling software, IMPLAN. Based on the IMPLAN model, which analyzed public libraries purely as business and organizational entities, libraries produced $976 million in economic activity. Further, in FY2015, more than 11,000 jobs in Texas were dependent on public library expenditures.
Download the report in PDF format by clicking on the links below. The report is available in its entirety or by chapter.
Chapter I - Introduction: Scope, Methodology, Limitations
Chapter II - Key Financial Statistics of Texas Public Libraries
Chapter III - Market Values of Library Services
Chapter IV - Summary of Quantifiable Economic Impacts
This study was funded with Library Services and Technology Act funds administered by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Media Contacts
- For inquiries regarding research methodology, contact Dr. James Jarrett at the Bureau of Business Research: jj@ic2.utexas.edu
- For general inquiries, contact the Public Information Office at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission: pio@tsl.texas.gov