Anson Jones to James Reily, January 26, 1842
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In January 1842, James Reily was named charg d'affaires for the Republic of Texas in Washington, D.C. In this letter, Secretary of State Anson Jones gives Reily his instructions. During his time in Washington, Reily negotiated a treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation with the United States, but it failed to win approval from the U.S. Senate. Reily eventually left office due to his opposition to annexation. In his later years, Reily continued to be active in politics and diplomacy. He served in the Confederacy and was killed in action near Franklin, Louisiana, in 1864.
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Department of State
Austin 26th Janry 1842
Honl James Reily
Charge d' Affaires
of the Republic of Texas
&c. &c.
In entering upon the discharge
of your duties as the Representative of this Govmt
to the United States, it is not deemed necessary
that you should be further instructed for the
present than to ascertain as far as may be
practicable for you in your personal interviews
with the Secretary of State of the United States
the dispositions of that Government, in relation
to three important and most intriguing subjects.
The first is the terms and conditions upon
which she is willing to form a Treaty of
Amity, Navigation and Commerce with
Texas, and her views upon the several leading
points which have been submitted to her [for]
consideration by your predecessor, as a basis
of negotiation.
The second is the policy and course
which will be pursued by the present
Anson Jones to James Reily, January 26, 1842. Andrew Jackson Houston Papers, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.