Ashbel Smith to Isaac Van Zandt, January 25, 1843

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Ashbel Smith to Isaac Van Zandt, January 1843

the refusal of Great Britain to act jointly,

instructed their Minister at Mexico to tender

seperately [sic] their good offices to the Mexican

Govt to bring about if possible an amicable

arrangement between this power and Texas. Here

the mediation rests. Nothing has been accom-

plished nor is likely to be accomplished by any

mediation in its present shape. The English

influence at Mexico is alone paramount.

You are also aware that in the mean-

time two Steam Frigates, the Guadaloupe and

Montezuma were fitted out in England for

the Mexican Govt. Their models of building

and arming, I was informed in London were

furnished by the British Admiralty; they were

fully armed, manned with British Seaman [sic]

and commanded by officers of the Royal

Navy. The Guadaloupe sailed from Liverpool

with her armament mounted and ready

to beat to quarters for action. Supplementary

officers, gunners, went out to serve on board

the other vessels of the Mexican Navy. These

things were done with the full and avowed

knowledge of the destination and purpose

of these vessels, by the British Ministry and in

violation of their own laws, as was expressly

declared in an order of the Lords of the

Treasury, of which order I possess a copy[.]

In the replies however of Lord Aberdeen

to my protests, he denies the fitting out of

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Ashbel Smith to Isaac Van Zandt, January 25, 1843. English Diplomatic Correspondence, Texas Secretary of State records, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Page last modified: April 5, 2011