Ashbel Smith to Isaac Van Zandt, January 25, 1843
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In the meantime, rely on it we have
nothing to expect from the continued
offer of British mediation to Mexico
on its present basis.
As little have we to expect from
the good offices of France, although sin-
cerely and faithfully employed, so long
as they are separately exerted as at the
present time.
The independence of Texas and the
existence of Slavery in Texas, is a question
of life or death to the slave holding states
of the American Union. Hemmed in bet-
ween the free States on their northern
border, and a free Anglo Saxon State
on their Southern border & sustained
by England, their history would soon
be written.
The Establishment of a free state on
the territory of Texas is a darling wish of
England for which scarcely any price would be
regarded as to[o] great. The bargain once
struck what remedy remains to the South?
France and the United States
might conjointly decide at once the
affairs of Texas and Mexico without
the concurrence of England.
The generous promptness with which
France acceded to the former
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Ashbel Smith to Isaac Van Zandt, January 25, 1843. English Diplomatic Correspondence, Texas Secretary of State records, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.