Ashbel Smith to Isaac Van Zandt, January 25, 1843
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these vessels to be a violation of International
There are many points and facts in our
recent relations with England to which I
would gladly call your attention; but I
must omit them for want of space[.]
The English Govt in recognising Texas were in-
fluenced by several considerations. One of these
was our ceding to them “the right of search”
which they made a sine qua non of recognition.
England was particularly desirous at that time
to isolate the United States on this great question.
Next, that Govt were afraid that Texas might
be annexed to the American Union. They desired
our separate existence for com-
mercial reasons, as a consumer of their manu-
factures and a producer of cotton not subject
to the tarriff [sic] restrictions of the United States,
and also as a means of attacking that tarriff [sic]
by smuggling through Texas. They desired our
separate existence as interposing a barrier
to the encroachment of the United States upon
There now exists another matter which has
been entertained for some months in
England; whether or not for a longer period
I am unable to say. I will develop it in
a separate paragraph.
It is the purpose
of some persons in England to procure the
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Ashbel Smith to Isaac Van Zandt, January 25, 1843. English Diplomatic Correspondence, Texas Secretary of State records, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.