Ashbel Smith to Isaac Van Zandt, January 25, 1843
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continued Texas might be thrown into
the American union. That Govt are
now convinced that Texas cannot be
admitted into this Union, and that a
decisive attempt on the part of the
southern States to receive Texas would
endanger the stability of the Union.
Have the British Govt now the same
motives as formerly for desiring peace between Texas
and Mexico; may they not imagine that the
present disturbed condition of our country
continuing—enterprise and industry being
paralysed [sic]—our Citizens being wearied out
with a harasing [sic] war, which has checked
emigration, prevents the cultivation of our
soil and the development of our resources.
We may be more ready to yield the point of
Slavery in exchange for England’s guarantee
of our Independence and some commercial
and financial advantages! Whether the equivalents
mentioned will be those proposed
I expect, I do not certainly know. But rely
on it, as certain, that in England it is
intended to make an effort, and that
some things are already in train to accom-
plish if possible the abolition of Slavery
in Texas[.] And might not Texas ex-
hausted as just described, listen in
a moment of folly to such over-
tures from the British Govt?
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Ashbel Smith to Isaac Van Zandt, January 25, 1843. English Diplomatic Correspondence, Texas Secretary of State records, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.