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The Civil War in Texas: An Exhibit from the Texas State Library and Archives

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1862: Fiery Trial | 1863: The Tide Turns | 1864: No Way Out | End of the Ordeal | Further Reading


James T.D. Wilson to Governor Francis R. Lubbock, May 28, 1862

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James T.D. Wilson to Francis R. Lubbock, May 1862

After passing the Custom house here, the
wagons will I trust, reach Roma and
cross the Rio Grande say day after to
morrow. [A]nd will I hope be
in Alleyton by or soon after 20th June.

I shall remain with them till [sic] they
get some days[’] travel into Texas.

I expect to be in Alleyton if all goes
well, by 15th June. I shall want
to freight them back with cotton, to apply
as far as it will go, to the unpaid balance
on the invoice. I am trying to
get transportation for more cotton, but
find it very hard to do, every ox
and mule every where is poor—and
teamsters afraid to go to Texas[.] They hear
such awful stories. I may get some
but can[’]t say yet.

Write me at once to Columbus and
also to Houston, directing to whom I
shall deliver the freight, and from whom
I shall get the cotton at Alleyton.

About half of the powder is put
up in 14 [?] tin cannisters [sic], the balance is
securely and handsomely packed in 4 or 5
coverings of, first, duck sacking, then
of thick palm, & then 2 or three other
sackings & wrappings. I had neither

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James T.D. Wilson to Governor Lubbock, May 28, 1862. Texas Military Board Records.

Page last modified: February 19, 2016