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Sam Houston's copy of Secretary of War Thomas J. Rusk's Official Report of the Battle of San Jacinto

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Rusk - San Jacinto - Page 3

Showing signs of attack was evidently engaged in fortify
ing, We determined therefore immediately to assail him
and in half an hour we were formed in four divisions,
The first intended as our right wing composed of the
Regulars under Col Millard, and the second division under
command of Col. Sydney Sherman formed our left wing
a division commanded by col. Burleson formed our Centre
Our two six pounders under the command of Col. Hockley, Capt.
Isaac N Moreland and Stilwell were drawn upon the right
of the centre division, The cavalry under command of Col.
Mirabaw B Lamar were formed upon the right, At the
command to move forward all the divisions advanced in good
order and high spirits, upon arriving within reach of
the enemy a heavy fire was opened first with their artillery
on the our Cavalry, a general conflict now ensued orders were
given to charge, Col Shermans division moved up and drove the
enemy from the timber woods occupied by them on their right wing
at the same time moment Col. Burlesons division together
with the Regulars charged upon and mounted upon the breast
work of the enemy and drove them from their cannon, Our
artillery the mean while charging up and fireing upon theirs
with great effect, The cavalry under col. Lamar fell on
them at the same time with great fury and great Slaughter, Major Gen.
Houston acted with great gallantry encouraging his men
to the attack and herocially charged in front of the Infantry
within a few yards of the enemy receiving at the same
time a wound in his leg, The enemy soon took flight

Page last modified: March 28, 2016