Sam Houston's copy of Secretary of War Thomas J. Rusk's Official Report of the Battle of San Jacinto

Page 6

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Rusk - San Jacinto - Page 6

officers and men I hope I may be indulged in
the expression of my highest approbation of the
Chivalrous conduct of Maj. James Collinsworth
in almost every part of the engagement Col. Hockley
with his command of artillery Col. Wharton the
adjutant General done his part well Major Cook
and in fact all the Staff officers acted promptly
and bravely Col. Burleston & Col. Summerville on
the right Col Millard in the centre and Col Sherman
and Col. Bennet on the left & Col Lamar on the
extreme right with the cavalry, together with
all their officers and men led up to on the charge
and followed in the pursuit with a degree of daunt=
less Bravery unparalled in the History of war
all have my highest approbation with such men
sustained as we shall be by the Patriots & lovers
of Liberty in our Mother country hateful despot
=ism cannot find a resting place for the sole
of her foot upon the beautiful plains of Texas
a Volume would not contain the many deeds
of individual daring & Bravery each Captain
has been required to make report and I hope
justice will be done to all the brave & noble
spirits who mingled in the glorious achievement
of this day-my aid de camp Doctor Motly of
Kentucky fell near me mortally wounded and soon
after his Spirit took its flight to join the immortal
Milam and others in a better world

Page last modified: March 28, 2016