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Facts at a Glance

  1. How many TexShare members are there?
  2. How many TexShare Databases are there?
  3. How many journals, magazines, e-books, and e-media items are included in the TexShare Databases Core?
  4. Where does the database money come from?
  5. How much would it cost individual libraries to subscribe to the core set of TexShare Databases?
  6. How much are the TexShare Databases used?
  7. Do patrons really use the TexShare Cards?

1. How many TexShare members are there?

Total: 663 as of January 29, 2025


TexShare Members FY2025
Card Program
Databases Program
Academic - 2 Year Public585258
Academic - 2 Year Private111
Academic - 4 Year Private393737
Academic - 4 Year Public353535
Academic - Specialty745
Academic - Medical/Health Science13713
Library of Clinical Medicine212
Public Library501348420
TexShare Affiliate725

Historic Data

2. How many TexShare Databases are there?

Number of core databases: 60

All Core databases are available to all TexShare member libraries participating in the Databases Program.

(Updated 1/29/2025)

Historic Data
More Info on Database Program

3. How many journals, magazines, e-books, and e-media items are included in the TexShare Databases Core?

JS Bin
TexShare Core Materials Count FY2025*
Vendor: Resourcee-media
e-book titles
e-serials titles
EBSCO eBook Collection (FKA NetLibrary)034,4700
EBSCO Perpetual Access Products   
      Life Magazine Archive001
      Time Magazine Archive001
LearningExpress Library products02190
TexShare Gale Resources Platinum Package A6,265,4309,72724,481
General Reference Collection (50 ebooks)0500
Gale Perpetual Access eBooks Collections   
      K-5 Curriculum Support Collection (25 ebooks)0250
      Pre-K-12 Health & Wellness Collection (55 ebooks)0550
      Professional Development Collection (15 ebooks)0150
      K-12 English & Spanish Titles (Rosen Publishing) Collection (73 ebooks)0730
      Gale Presents: National Geographic Magazine Archive (1888-2020)001
Gale Presents: Udemy80,00000
Newsweek Magazine Archive (1933-2012)001
ProQuest Historical Newspapers   
      Austin American Statesman (1871-1980)001
      El Paso Times (1881-2009) & El Paso Herald Post (1896-1996 plus 2010 to present)002
ProQuest eBook Central (platform)   
      Academic Complete and Library Thing Book Cover Package0238,7170
      e-Libro Premium0101,0840
      Reference eBook Subscription01,0540
      ProQuest Perpetual Access eBooks Collection (5 titles)050
ProQuest: Genealogy Package 1   
      African American Heritage10 100
      Heritage Quest Online8,054,645 22,181 0
ProQuest Health Package   
      Health Research Premium Collection127,106 2297,152
      Behavioral and Mental Health Online7,419 1,2780
      Health and Medicine Book Collection020,376 0
Academic Video Online (AVON)83,11600
Digital Sanborn Maps of Texas2,11800
ProQuest Poetry Package   
      Twentieth-Century American Poetry07270
      Twentieth-Century English Poetry06050
SciTech Premium Package77813114,224

*as of January 29, 2025. Counts come from vendor-supplied information.

When consulting these counts, please keep in mind that certain resources are available only to specific audiences:

  *   Gale Presents: Udemy is only available to participating public libraries.
  *   ProQuest's health package, Academic Video Online, and Ebook Central are only available to participating academic and medical libraries.

Historic Data
More Info on Database Program

4. Where does the database money come from?

The TexShare Databases are funded by the State of Texas, TexShare member institutions, and a grant from the US Institute of Museum and Library Services. The cost of the TexShare electronic resources in FY23 was $9.3 million.

For FY23, institutions may calculate the state and federal portion of the total cost of the TexShare electronic resources as a per user subsidy. The subsidy amounts by type of institution are:

 Per Capita SubsidyBasisTotal Population
Academic - Community College$3.44Undergraduate FTE594,253
Academic - 4 Year & Special$3.83Undergraduate FTE795,366
Medical/Health Science Institutions$7.38Physicians, residents, staff and/or student FTE138,211
Public Library$0.23Service population25,534,428

More Info on Database Program


5. How much would it cost individual libraries to subscribe to the core set of TexShare Databases?


It would have cost TexShare member libraries a total of $108,827,407 to purchase the electronic resource subscriptions at vendor retail price in state fiscal year 2023. The annualized price paid by TSLAC was $9,326,139, and membership fees made up $1,817,703 of that total.

Historic Data
More Info on Database Program

6. How much are the TexShare Databases used?

In state fiscal year 2024, users of the TexShare Databases investigated more than 21 million individual articles, books, images, and other materials, and downloaded more than 14 million items for personal use. Individual libraries can request information about their patrons’ usage by contacting TexShare vendors. For more assistance, contact us at

Historic Data
More Info on Database Program


7. Do patrons really use the TexShare Cards?

In state fiscal year 2024, 484 libraries participated in the Texshare Card program. Almost 10,160 of their patrons used their TexShare Cards at member libraries to borrow more than 398,845 books, DVDs, and other items from other participating libraries.

Historic Data
More Info on Card Program


Contact TexShare

TexShare Coordinator
Texas State Library and Archives
PO Box 12927
Austin, TX 78711-2927
512-463-5465 or 800-252-9386
512-936-2306 Fax


Page last modified: January 29, 2025