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Texas Declaration of Independence, Original Manuscript, March 2, 1836

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Declaration of Independence - Page 3


ples, and take their political affairs into
their own hands in extreme cases, enjoins
it as a right towards themselves, and a sa-
cred obligation to their posterity, to abol-
ish such government, and create
another in its stead, calculated to rescue
them from impending dangers, and to
secure their future welfare and happiness.

Nations, as well as indivi-
duals, are amenable for their acts to the
public opinion of mankind. A
statement of a part of our grievances is
therefore submitted to an impartial world,
in justification of the hazardous but
unavoidable step now taken, of severing
our political connection with the Mexican
people, and assuming an independent
attitude among the nations of the earth.

The Mexican government,
by its colonization laws, invited and in-
duced the Anglo-American population
of Texas to colonize its wilderness under
the pledged faith of a written constitu-
tion, that they should continue to enjoy
that constitutional liberty and repu-
blican government to which they had

Page last modified: March 7, 2016