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Texas Declaration of Independence, Original Manuscript, March 2, 1836

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Declaration of Independence - Page 6

us, to exercise arbitrary acts of oppression
and tyrrany, thus trampling upon the
most sacred rights of the citizens, and
rendering the military superior to the ci-
vil power.

It has dissolved, by force
of arms, the state Congress of Coahuila
and Texas, and obliged our representa-
tives to fly for their lives from the seat
of government, thus depriving us of the
fundamental political right of repre-

It has demanded the
surrender of a number of our citizens,
and ordered military detachments to
seize and carry them into the Interior
for trial, in contempt of the civil autho-
rities, and in defiance of the laws and
the constitution.

It has made piratical
attacks upon our commerce, by com-
missioning foreign desperadoes, and
authorizing them to seize our vessels,
and convey the property of our citi-
zens to far distant ports for con-

Page last modified: March 7, 2016