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Texas Declaration of Independence, Original Manuscript, March 2, 1836

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Declaration of Independence - Page 8

the whole time of our connection with
it, the contemptible sport and victim
of successive military revolutions, and
hath continually exhibited every charac-
teristic of a weak, corrupt, and tyr-
ranical government.

These, and other griev-
ances, were patiently borne by the
people of Texas, untill they reached
that point at which forbearance ceases
to be a virtue. We then took up
arms in defence of the national consti-
tution. We appealed to our Mexi-
can brethren for assistance.
Our appeal has been made in vain.
Though months have elapsed, no
sympathetic response has yet been
heard from the Interior. We
are, therefore, forced to the melancholy
conclusion, that the Mexican peo-
ple have acquiesced in the destruct-
ion of their liberty, and the substitu-
tion therfor of a military government;
that they are unfit to be free, and
incapable of self government.

Page last modified: March 7, 2016