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Texas Declaration of Independence, Original Manuscript, March 2, 1836

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Declaration of Independence - Page 9

The necessity of self-preserva-
tion, therefore, now decrees our eternal
political separation.

We, therefore, the delegates
with plenary powers of the people
of Texas, in solemn convention assembled,
appealing to a candid world for the
necessities of our condition, do here-
by resolve and declare, that our poli-
tical connection with the Mexican
nation has forever ended, and that
the people of Texas do now constitute
a free, Sovereign, and independent
republic, and are fully invested with
all the rights and attributes which proper-
ly belong to independent nations; and,
conscious of the rectitude of our intentions,
we fearlessly and confidently commit
the issue to the decision of the Supreme
arbiter of the destinies of nations.

Richard Ellis, President
of the Convention and Delegate
from Red River

Charles B. Stewart
Thos. Barnett

James Collinsworth
Edwin Waller
Asa Brigham

Page last modified: March 7, 2016