Bird's Fort Treaty Ratification Proclamation, 1843
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In presence of
Ro I. Gilchrist, G.W. Terrell, [seal]
L. Williams, E.H. Tarrant, [seal]
B.Booth, Commissioners on the part of Texas
Sam B. Marshall,
Rob't S. Hulme
(Roasting-Ear x [seal]
Delaware chiefs (McCallah x [seal]
(James St. Louis x [seal]
Chickasaw chief Ish-te-u-kah-tubby x [seal]
Waco Chief Acah-quash x [seal]
Waco Chief Che-tick-kaha x [seal]
Tah-woc-cany chief Ke-chi-ka-roqua x [seal]
Kechi chief Kah-te-ah-tick x [seal]
(Red Bear x [seal]
Caddo chiefs (Binchah x [seal]
(Had-dah-bah x [seal]
Ana-dak-kah chief Jose Maria x [seal]
Ionie Chief Tow-a-ash x [seal]
Beloxi Chief Hoyo Tubby
Cherokee Captain Chicken Trotter x [seal]
(James Shaw x
(Luis Sanchez x
Interpreters (Chow-a-nih x
(Pierce Sobby x
(Choctaw Tom x