John C. Duval's Statement Concerning the Fannin Massacre
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Late in 1835 John C. Duval left college to join a small company organized by his brother Capt. Burr H. Duval. The brothers served under Col. James Walker Fannin, and were captured. Burr H. Duval was killed, but his brother escaped the Palm Sunday massacre. In 1867, his book Early Times in Texas was published serially in Burke's Weekly at Macon, Georgia.
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Statement of J.C. Duval
Genl Santa Anna and Genl Urrea also
I have understood, after their return to
Mexico, in order to palliate their in
human butchery of four hundred un-
armed prisoners at Goliad, asserted
"that Col Fannin and his men had
Surrendered" unconditionally."
I will state as briefly as possible
and to the best of my reccollection, what
occurred the morning after the battle
at the Coletto creek.
The morning after the battle of
Coletto creek, Col. Fannin and his men
were Surrounded on the open prairie
by an overwhelming force of the enemy
They had formed their line of battle, and
fired Several rounds of grape and can-
nister from their artillery at our en-