Fear, Force, and Leather - The Texas Prison System's First Hundred Years, 1848-1948
Topic Index
Civil War
- Major General Thomas C. Hindman to Governor Francis R. Lubbock, August 6, 1862
- John S. Besser on his confrontation with Texas State Troops, December 8, 1863
Convict Leasing
- Texas State Capitol Construction
- Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Penitentiary Board, November 12, 1903
Discipline and Escapes
- Thomas Carothers to the Directors of the State Penitentiary, undated
- List of Convicts in the Penitentiary, September 1, 1859–August 31,1861 (second page)
- Notification of Discharge of Guard, March 12, 1917
- Excerpt from Escape Analysis, May and June 1928
- Minutes of the Texas Prison Board, July 24, 1934
- Ward-Dewey Takes Over
- The Cunningham & Ellis Era
Politics and the Prison System
- Colonel Edward M. House
- Governor James E. Ferguson
- Pardons and Paroles
Prison Officials
- John S. Besser
- Thomas J. Goree
- Lee Simmons
Prisoner Abuse
- Testimony of Fred Stone, April 15, 1875
- J.K.P. Campbell, Present conditions and facts relating to returned convicts, 1875
- J.K.P. Campbell, Monthly Report, September 1875
- Statements on the death of Frank Furlow, January 26, 1877
- D.M. Short to Governor Oran M. Roberts, July 19, 1879
- List of convicts under seventeen years of age, August 15, 1881
- The Bat
Racial issues
- Henry E. Perkins to the Texas Legislature, February 13, 1863
- African-American Convicts after the Civil War
- Thaddeus C. Bell to Morgan C. Hamilton, June 10, 1867
- Race and the Sentencing and Treatment of Convicts
- Samuel R. Peacock to Thaddeus McRae, December 9, 1867
- Charles Kirsch to General [Benjamin?] Butler, April 4, 1869
Reform Efforts
- Thomas J. Goree, Circular to Sergeants in charge of convict camps, April 2, 1880
- Scandal of 1909
- Minutes of the Special Session of the Penitentiary Board, November 30, 1909
- Reforms of 1911
- Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor
- Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor on proposed Texas penal colony, 1931
- Texas Prison Board
- Centralization Controversy
- Reforms of the 1930s
- Poetry Corner, The Echo, October 1933
- The MacCormick Report
- Committee Report on Investigation of Penitentiary, 1947
State Account Farming
- Time Made by Convicts Nights and Sundays, December 31, 1889
State Prison at Huntsville
- State Penitentiary Commissioners to Governor George T. Wood, July 20, 1848
- Plan for the Texas Penitentiary, August 15, 1848
- Abner Cook to the Directors of the Penitentiary, September 30, 1849
- Directors of the State Penitentiary to Governor Peter H. Bell, November 11, 1851