Webinar: Strategies for Preserving Electronic Records

Part 1: Introduction

This webinar is for anyone interested in the challenges of digital preservation. All are welcome, whether you’re a records liaison carrying out records management at the departmental level, an organization-wide RMO needing to develop basic training on preserving digital content, or someone who is just interested in an introduction to the topic. In this webinar, we discuss:

  • The fragility of digital information. Electronic records present myriad preservation challenges, like technical dependency and obsolescence. Why is an electronic record often more fragile than a paper one?
  • Why is digital preservation important? Why is this something that records managers have to know about?
  • Storage choices. Where should digital information be saved? What’s the life expectancy of a hard drive? Are gold CDs the way to go? How do you save information so that it’s really accessible for the long term?
  • File formats for long-term preservation. Is PDF/A a good format for preserving textual or imaged records? What about audio and video recordings, digital photos, spreadsheets, and email?

Presented by Angela Ossar, former Government Information Analyst
Original air date: January 24, 2013 - Runtime 52 min.

View the webinar at Youtube.com


Download the handouts

Certificate of Completion for Part 1(Download to your PC, then fill in your name and date completed)

Sources Linked to in Webinar:

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Part 2: Managing Digital Content

This webinar, intended for records managers (but open to anyone), will be a continuation of Strategies for Digital Preservation Part 1: Introduction. We will discuss preservation strategies of digital records, first steps for accepting digital content into your care, and continuing education opportunities for digital content managers.

Presented by Angela Ossar, former Government Information Analyst
Original air date: February 20, 2013 - Runtime 37 min.

View the webinar at Youtube.com


Download the handouts

Certificate of Completion for Part 2(Download to your PC, then fill in your name and date completed)

Sources Linked to in Webinar:

Supplemental Materials and External References:


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Page last modified: August 16, 2023