Playing cards spread out on a table.

Texas, Hold ‘Em! A Review of Destruction Holds

Here at TSLAC we spend a lot of time teaching Texas governments about the benefits of timely disposition. It’s equally important for governments to understand when records should not be destroyed. These situations are called: destruction holds. Normally, records may be destroyed when they have met their full retention period as described on each government’s…

Telecommunication and Records

These days, the word “telecommunication” or, as it’s more commonly referred, “telecommuting” is something everyone is hearing. But what is telecommuting anyway, and how does it apply to records management? Telecommunication means communication over a distance by telephone, cable, or broadcasting.  For most people, this means working from home on a desktop or laptop computer.…

FAQ: Do I have to keep copies of records I produced to fulfill a public information request?

Recently TSLAC has received a flurry of questions from state agencies and local governments about retaining records related to public information requests. Some people have asked if the government must make extra copies of the requested records and retain the extra copies with the correspondence and documentation that initiates, processes, and responds to the request. The answer is…