Magnifying glass looking at a data map.

E-Discovery Day

Join the records management assistance unit in celebrating E-Discovery Day on Friday, December 3, 2021! Put on your records management hat, pull on your information governance boots, and get in the spirit of the day by checking out these e-discovery resources. What is E-Discovery? ARMA International defines e-discovery as “the process of identifying, locating, securing,…

Spider webs on computer screens

Archives Month: Web Archive (WARC) File Format

by Erica Rice It’s October, which means that it is once again time to celebrate American Archives Month! Throughout this month, the records management assistance unit will be taking a closer look into multidisciplinary issues that require input from both records managers and archivists—collaboration between these two professions is the key to solving many RIM-related…

The Bucketing Strategy as a Precautionary Solution

Agencies or local governments that are tight on storage space might look forward to speedily carrying out disposition on records that have met their full retention periods, but there are cases when reaching a destruction eligibility date may not put the records manager in the clear to destroy or transfer those records. In those cases,…

I Got a New Job in Records Management, Now What?

As a person who recently earned a job as a Government Information Analyst with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC), I had no idea how complex records management would be.  As a former educator and law student, I created tons of records while underestimating the amount of time and skill that managing those…

Illustration of ransomware

Cybersecurity Resources for Texas Local Governments

On Friday, August 16, over twenty local government entities in Texas were targeted by a coordinated ransomware attack. This incident is the most recent in a year marked by cyberattacks on state and local governments across the country. Several state and federal agencies are investigating and actively working with the impacted Texas entities to help…

FAQ: Who is the custodian of this record?

Key Terms: Skip to: Case Sampling Main Takeaway Policy Tip Take a moment to think about the business activities of your state or local government. What examples come to mind for times when there might be more than one custodian for the same record? In such a case, what policies and procedures does your government…


To Bucket or Not to Bucket…?

There is a term in records management circles you might have heard of called “big buckets.” Have you ever stopped and thought, “What is this? Should I be doing this? Am I missing out on something?” (Coincidentally, there’s the pop culture acronym F.O.M.O. which stands for “fear of missing out” that comes to mind. Google…