Webinar graphic

Webinar Mini-Series: Email Management

We are happy to announce our new and updated seven-part email management webinar series. Local governments and state agencies across the State of Texas utilize email as a form of communication to transmit information and to conduct official business. From that business and communications, what happens to the emails and how do those emails relate…

Unmatched, brightly colored socks hanging on a clothes line.

Outlook Tips for Easy Email Management

I don’t know about you, but one of my least favorite chores is folding the laundry. Even though I know that leaving my clean clothes in a laundry basket creates problems—my work shirts get wrinkled, and I can never find socks that match—I still end up putting it off for days. For many government employees,…

FAQ: How Long Do I Keep Email?

A long time ago (relative to our blog’s history), we published the first of many frequently-asked-question articles about retention of email. The answer we give today when people ask how long to keep email is still the same (“it depends!”), but we have since published many more articles dissecting the topic. Today, we’ve compiled a…

Electronic Records Resources Now Available

Updated March 3, 2022 TSLAC updated Bulletin 1: Electronic Records Standards and Procedures in 2017, and since then, we’ve been gathering resources to provide guidance to state agencies trying to fulfill the requirements of the bulletin. The bulletin was rewritten to be intentionally higher-level and broad, to allow for more considerations of electronic records in…

e-Records 2017: “Teacher Retirement System of Texas: The Information Governance Journey”

This is the seventh post of a multi-part recap of the 2017 e-Records Conference. Presentation materials from the conference are available on the e-Records 2017 website. Information Governance: Take Control and Succeed The Public Information Act and Updates from 85th Legislative Session TSLAC Wants Your Electronic Records Establishing Information Governance for Local Governments in Microsoft…