A fork in a woodland path.

Transferring Local Government Records

At the end of a record’s life cycle, destruction is the most common end. But there is another path: transferring the record to another entity for long-term preservation. For records with historical value, this may be an excellent option. So, how can local governments transfer their records? The Local Government Code spells out the conditions…

Yellow sparkers in the shape of '2023' on a black background.

Records Management New Year’s Resolutions

The beginning of the new year is a time for reflection and planning for the coming months. What records management goals do you have for 2023? Here are a few ideas to get you thinking. In honor of the season, let’s do a little countdown… 3. Find Community Records management can be a lonely business.…

The Bucketing Strategy as a Precautionary Solution

Agencies or local governments that are tight on storage space might look forward to speedily carrying out disposition on records that have met their full retention periods, but there are cases when reaching a destruction eligibility date may not put the records manager in the clear to destroy or transfer those records. In those cases,…

Microfilm reel

Microfilm Destruction Tips

Are you looking to streamline your microfilm destruction methods? Do you already have a system in place? In any case, you might find these pointers below helpful to incorporate into your organization’s practices. Step 1: Make sure you have procedures in place. Will the destruction be done in-house, or will you hire an outside vendor?…

Delete key on keyboard.

How long do we keep expunction orders?

Picture this: you’ve gathered up all the records subject to an expunction order and you’re ready to return, destroy or redact them as directed by the court. Then you look at the expunction order. It identifies the person in the order and it’s a government record. What do you do with it? Based on how…

What does it take to be a Records Management Officer?

Updated March 3, 2022 Being a Records Management Officer (RMO) can seem like a huge undertaking. Being in charge of all of your organization’s records? Making sure your organization is abiding by records management laws? Protecting your organization from an audit? As RMO, you do have a great deal of power and responsibility. What are…