IG + RM within a color wheel

Information Governance and the Records Lifecycle

by Erica Rice When we talk about records management on this blog, we often use the “R.I.M.” or “RIM” acronym as a shorthand way to refer to the “records and information management” field. Records management (RM) is no longer a siloed discipline; RIM practitioners need to manage records within the entire information landscape of their…

Is Metadata a Part of an Electronic Record or Not?

Recently, we have received many questions about metadata. Most of the inquiries about metadata revolve around two questions – What is metadata and why is it important. The purpose of this article is to discuss whether metadata is part of an electronic record and if so why. So, what is metadata? Metadata is the information…

Benefits and Limitations of Auto Classification in Records Management

As more organizations move from paper to electronic records, records management professionals face more complex challenges in managing these records. In their effort to maintain seamless records management processes within their organization, records managers expressed interest in products that specifically automate key records processes and controls. Records management professionals must ensure that the introduction of…