A vinyl record on a blue background with the words Off the Record and the TSLAC logo in white.

Off the Record: Social Media

Welcome back to our occasional series “Off the Record,” a curated collection of articles we found interesting on a broad range of topics, some which are directly related to records management and others which might share common themes. No, we didn’t write these articles—hence the name of this series, “Off the Record”— but, fortunately, we…

The words "State Agency Training" over employees in a classroom listening to a lecture.

Remote Training for State Agencies!

We are excited to announce that we will be conducting free introductory records management classes via Zoom for state agencies on: These classes are free for government employees in Texas. Visit our training page for registration instructions. NOTE: Your confirmation may be delayed. We are reviewing and approving registrants. If you have any questions, please reach out…

A Fujifilm camera sits on an off-white background with the lens pointed to the lower left corner of the frame.

See What Develops with Our Imaging Services Department

One of the ways we at the State and Local Records Management Division (SLRM) assist state agencies and local governments in ensuring records and information are accessible for the short-, medium-, and long-term is by operating a full-service, cost-recovery image conversion center, the Imaging Services Department. We recently asked Imaging Services Supervisor Jacqueline Jacobs and…

Person sitting in the woods with leaves falling around them. There hands are up to the sky and they are smiling. Above her it says, "Recert Season" in bubbly letters.

How I Review a Recertification: II

World-breaking news in my world: Texas state agency and public university Records Management Officers (RMOs) and records liaisons are not skipping happily to their computers to begin working on their quinquennial records retention schedule recertification (recert). Cue the chill vinyl that was playing and is now scratching, my coffee cup dropping, and my heart breaking.…

hurricane over the ocean

Resources for Hurricane Beryl

If you’re a local government whose records were damaged or destroyed during Hurricane Beryl, we’ve put together these guidelines and resources on disaster recovery from a records perspective and encourage you to read through them. If you have specific questions or you’re feeling in over your head with records management, contact your regional analyst. Do…

A vinyl record on a blue background with the words Off the Record and the TSLAC logo in white.

Off the Record: AI

Welcome back to our occasional series “Off the Record,” a curated collection of articles we found interesting on a broad range of topics, some which are directly related to records management and others which might share common themes. No, we didn’t write these articles—hence the name of this series, “Off the Record”— but, fortunately, we…