Frequently asked questions answered by the RMA team. Have a question not answered here? Visit our contact page to find out who your analyst is or email
= Local Governments Only
= State Agencies Only
General | LGRA Compliance | COVID-19 | Disposition | Electronic Records | Records Retention Schedules | RRS and URRS Updates
- How does records management benefit us, anyway?
- What does the RMA team do?
- Who are Records Management Officers (RMOs) and what do they do?
- What should I do as a new records manager?
- Who is the custodian of this record?
- What are records liaisons?
- Should I appoint records custodians?
- What are governing bodies and state agency heads?
- What is the best way to organize files?
- How do I protect essential records?
- Do I need to keep backup record copies?
- How do I prepare for emergencies?
- Are there professional records management certifications?
- Is my office’s website considered a record?
- How do I migrate data and records to a new system or format?
- Do I need to retain copies of records created in the fulfillment of public information requests?
LGRA Compliance
- Is my office in compliance?
- What is a countywide RMO?
- Am I a local government?
- When should I update my records management policy?
- How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect records management?
- Do I need to retain COVID-19 health screening records?
- How long do I need to retain COVID-19-related records?
- What do I do with records created while telecommuting?
- Can I destroy a paper original after scanning?
- What is the best way to dispose of electronic records?
- Why should I purge electronic records that have met retention?
- What do I do if records are prematurely destroyed?
- Am I required to use a disposition log?
- Is it possible to retain records too long?
Electronic Records
- How do I create an e-records management policy?
- Is metadata part of e-records?
- Can I store records on the cloud?
- Are text messages records?
- How do I capture text message records?
- Is email always considered correspondence?
- What types of emails are routine or transitory?
- How long should I keep emails?
- What should I do with separated employees’ emails?
- How do I set up an email filing system?
- Is my office’s social media a record?
- How do I capture social media records?
- How do I create policies for social media records?
Records Retention Schedules
- How do I recertify my state agency retention schedule?
- How do I amend my state agency retention schedule?
- How do I find my record types on the TSLAC retention schedules?
- What do I do if my record type is not on the TSLAC retention schedules?
- What is the difference between administrative and general correspondence?
- How long should I keep personnel files?
- How do I determine destruction dates for records with FE (fiscal year end) retention periods?
- How do I customize my local government retention schedules?
- What does “historical value” mean on local retention schedules?
- What does “obsolete” mean on the retention schedules?
- What does the shading mean on the local schedules?
- How do I structure my state agency retention schedule?
- What are AINs?
- What are RSINs?
RRS and URRS Updates
Updates to the State Records Retention Schedule and University Records Retention Schedule for state agencies and universities.
- 2020 – Debut of the Texas State Records Retention Schedule (RRS): 5th Edition
- 2022 – Debut of the Texas State University Records Retention Schedule (URRS): 2nd Edition, and the Texas State Records Retention Schedule (RRS): Revised 5th Edition
- 2024 – Updates to the Texas State Records Retention Schedule (RRS) for State Agencies and Universities